「OtomeV」Naib 🍳 Y/n

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Art : Nyao

          Naib stared at the door expectantly, waiting for a particular someone to walk in

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Naib stared at the door expectantly, waiting for a particular someone to walk in. It was almost class time, and he was already tapping his foot to whatever rhythm his head could think. The door then opened, revealing the girl in yellow. At the same time, the teacher had came in. Ms. Michiko walked to her table, devoid of any prank-related antics. "Good morning class," Everyone stood up and greeted in unison.
Y/n walked to her seat, the same column as Naib, but she sat in front of class, as she was petite. As she passes Naib, they share a warm handhold, initiated by the male. They were close friends, so it was tradition to hold each other's hand when they pass by each other. It was also tradition that familiar males would be glaring at the male who glanced at his rivals with a triumphant smirk. Ms. Michiko starts the lesson as Y/n sat on her place.

The bell rings signifying the start of a vacant period. Before anyone else, Naib had appeared in front of her, dragging her out of her chair and to the backseat where he was usually seated. "Did Lucky have to drag you out again?" Naib chuckled, watching his companion blush and look away. "I might have overslept again..." He smirked, "What? Have you been whaling for Albedo?" Y/n pouted, "It wasn't as if I was whaling... I don't even have the money to whale. I was just doing commissions and domains." Naib smirked, "So you were playing Genshin last night." Y/n looked away, hating to admit. "Thought so. Did you get anything good though?" Y/n instantly smiled. "Qiqi has 2600 attack now," She clapped her hands in delight. "You really are making her DPS huh?" Y/n nodded, "If I could only get her to C6," Naib chuckled as he pulled out his phone. "We can do domains if you want," He saw her eyes twinkle. God, those e/c spheres that shine like gems under the light... it's so pretty. Y/n blushed. Shit! Did I say that out loud? "Ah! M-my bad! I- uh- like the way uh..." The loading screen was finished, and Xiao came to seen. "I like the way Xiao's eyes look! Yeah! S-so pretty!" Naib slapped himself internally.
"You have a Xiao?" Y/n's eyes sparkled once more. "I'm so jealous! How does it feel to use him? Uwaaa!" Naib blushed as her body came close contact with his shoulder. Naib couldn't help but smell the flowery scent in her hair, the inviting smell of drowsiness washed over him. He peeked out from the window, seeing the rain, continuously pouring down. If he can reach her before classes end... he can share an umbrella under the rain with her. Naib's eyes lit up. "Naib? You haven't accepted my request to join," Naib snapped out of his fantasy, and nodded with a blush.

After series of getting artifacts from the Clear Pool and Tavern, the bell rang, signifying the end of their period. "See you later. It would be nice to play more," Y/n smiled before dashing to her seat as the teacher of white hair came. He was not fond of this teacher, nor was he fond of the subject, but he was still in a good mood, nonetheless, as his chest was pumping hard. He snapped out of thought when a hand made its way to his face, waving in front of them. "Earth to Naib!" He blinked rapidly."Looks like your date with Y/n made you a little hot inside, huh?" Norton laughed as Naib smacked him on the arm. He looked away as they jested. "Embarrassed?" Norton chuckled, "Sometimes I think about how many people Y/n had wrapped on her little dainty finger, and it makes me remember the many rivals I have to fight for her love," Mike laughed as he slung an arm around Norton's shoulder, "Even if I have to fight you," Mike darkly said.
"Psh," Norton laughed inside, "You shouldn't be fighting me. I'm not a threat... yet," Norton mused. "You're acting like this is war," Naib nonchalantly commented. "On hun, love is war."

After the boring hours, the day has come to an end. It was a shame that the rain had stopped. Naib wished it continued, but nonetheless, there was so much more he could do after class. They were not exactly able to play since Y/n was pulled out from class by the photography teacher, and from the looks of it, Aesop had been keeping an eye on them. Aesop was another friend of Y/n, despite their differences on outlook. He particularly hated it when Aesop would come clinging onto her like a cloud shielding the sun. Y/n saw it as, "Being the eggwhite."

"Y/n!" Naib called out, catching the fluffy female as he swings his arms around her. "I know a cafe we can go to and play Genshin," Naib watched her lips curl. "Oh! It's that Genshin Impact cafe, right?!" Naib watched how the sleepy little girl was now jumping in excitement, making him laugh lightheartedly. "Oh, so you've heard of it?" Y/n nodded, "I heard that they made a Paimon special drink!" Naib stifled a laugh. "P-paimon special?! That's interesting. Say, my treat," Y/n looked at the male. "You sure? I still have money on me," Y/n smiled. "I insist, you bonny little bunny," Naib chuckled. Y/n tilted her head, confusion on her mind, but nonetheless, she followed the male. Mike calls me bonny... now Naib too?

"Bonny little bunny... damn it, he's taking my nicknames again!" Mike pouted from behind the door. "Maybe you were just too obvious in eavesdropping," Norton smiled.

In the confines of the hyper cafe, Y/n and Naib welcome themselves inside. There were a few customers, one that stood out was a male with blond hair and his silver-haired companion. "Hello, what can I get you?" The pink-haired cashier asked, giving the menu to the lovely duo. "Can I get uh... ooh, a Paimon special!" Y/n gleamed. "We'll have two of that, and can we have pancakes too?" The cashier nodded, and proceeded to work her way to the kitchen.
"Let's play while there's no food," Naib fishes out his phone, along with Y/n, and her yellow phone. There was an egg ring in it too. As they do their domains, and each other's commissions, the waiter had came in. "I hope you two have a Noelle, since you habe just obtained a special dish! Enjoy!"
Noelle's special pancake stood, making their mouth water. "Thank you for the food!"

As the day was coming to an end, Naib had walked her home, just as planned. Though, there was no rain, he and Y/n were just as close as if they were under an umbrella. "I had fun! Thank you for the food, and for helping me level up some of my characters," Y/n embraced the male before coming inside her house.

Naib left with a big blush on his face as his heart pounded heart. "Oh sweet lord, I am-...God, I don't think I can wash this hoodie ever again."

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