「Lost」Mike 🌸 Y/n

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「Lost」 Ambrosia

           After days, and days of endless horror, and the asinine game that everyone fell onto, came a newfound manna of the survivors.
This was but a miracle of a child, invited to play along the skirmish between mortal and immortal, a game of tag with everyone's desires in the line. Y/n had been the elephant in the room, as she was deduced to a child, innocent, yet broken as her eyes have yet to shine and her lips have yet to curl.
          Ah, yes. Mike had prayed for a benediction that she would smile... and he would be the one to make her do so.

         Y/n stared at the ceiling, hands promptly placed around her stomach, the sounds of the clock and occasional meows heard. On her lap was a book, a dictionary opened near the beginning pages.

She would read the dictionary like a mantra, and for sure, Y/n was getting worn out reading the same words. Y/n stood up closing the dictionary once more. Y/n ventured out of her room, expecting the people bustling below the floor, but to her surprise, there was no one in sight. It was weird seeing the manor bare. There was no Emma giggling, Victor's dog barking, and no electrical wires from the mechanic and prisoner's room. It was as if it was just her. Y/n decided to walk around, a weary feeling in her chest. Just as she had made it to the entrance hall, Y/n opened the door to the dining room slowly. She softly heaved upon seeing the prospector, a donut in hand as he looked at the child with a grin. "Oh, it's just you."

The afternoon was spent with most of the survivors missing to play a game, something that resembled Black Jack.  Norton had informed her that two matches were being held, sixteen survivors were out, and four hunters were on the chase. Along with that, Norton would be joining the game of the kings and pawns, where Luchino, the reptile, had asked him to participate.
           What a busy day. Y/n thought as the child walked mindlessly in the halls of the manor, passing by a statue, and back down to the dining room, where no soul was in sight, and no voice was heard. It reminded her of the library she would walk in when Phantasm was not visually guarding it. Perhaps some of the survivors left were those like her: a solitary persona that preferred the comfort of her space. With no one around the garden, she was just about to open the door, when she heard the doors of the salle á manager swing. "Ah- Y/n!" The voice of a cheery Mike resonated as he ran over to the child. "Mr. Acrobat?" Mike chuckled, "D'aww, you're so cute! Please call me Mike. You're making me feel old!" He grabs onto their cheeks, only to realize that he couldn't get enough skin to pinch. "Old?" Mike ignored her query as he twirled around, bringing along the child. "Well, actually, I wanted to hang out with you! Looks like it's been a boring day for you as well?" Y/n nodded. "Say, why don't we bond? I can show you plenty of things, like this garden!" Mike dragged the little girl to the garden. "Come on! I know exactly what to do." And thus begins their little bonding moment.

"Belladonna flowers. They're pretty, but poisonous!" Mike explained, pointing at the lovely flowers by the side. "The gardener likes taking care of them. She said it's her favorite flower," said the acrobat. "Oh! What's your favorite flower?" Y/n tilted her head. A favorite flower? She shook her head. There was no flower that catches her eye, and nothing she considers a favorite. "Oh? Ah! I know! Let's go to the manor's library!" Y/n tilted her head. "You, Eli, and Aesop would go to the library right? Let's do all the things you like to do!" Mike pulled the child before she could say anything.

"This one's pretty, don't you think? They're blue, and almost purple. They're called Hydrangeas!" He pointed to a picture of a flower clustered beautifully.

"Hy... drang—,"
"—gea," They said in unison. Mike smiled as he turned the book to the next page. "Oh! These remind me of you!" On the book was a picture of an orange flower. "Pe-peach..."

"Sincerity... gratitude," he whispered, wrapping his arms around the child. "And sympathy."
"You know. I've once lost everything, and... those everythings, I have found in this manor," Mike's hand glide against their hair, now rosy and soft unlike the tangled mess when she first arrived. "I know you've been through a lot," Mike caressed the girl's cheeks. "And these flowers... they remind me of how much alike we both are!" He giggled, leaning back to the carpeted library ground.
"Maybe, I'll ask Emma to plant Peach roses, then you'll be reminded with just how much everybody cares for you."

Y/n could not understand how many cherubs or seraphs had come to rescue her from her unexplainable pain. These people she started living in, were just strangers. An agnostic mortal like her... it felt fulfilling that there are mortals who attended to the needs of those suffering. Y/n never even knew she was suffering until she had met these people, with different stories, perspectives, yet kind and caring. Though, there were those who can't be saved (Kreacher and Freddy, mainly) and those who ended the 'sufferings' of the innocent, Y/n felt attached. Then and there her lips curled.

"A smile so dulcet, and a face so delightsome," Mike chuckled, watching their eyes shine for the first time. Tears fell, and they were tears of joy. "Ah! You're crying!" Mike held the child close to his chest. "Cry?" The child asked, staring at the acrobat. "Cry... happy cry... Y/n is... happy?"
Mike grinned, "If Y/n is happy, then I am happy too." Right until the evening, they stayed in the library, reading about flowers. Y/n yawned as Mike looked at the girl. "We should be... getting ready to sleep, and dream!" He carried the child and walked to the oak doors. "Mister Acrobat..." He looked once more at the child, who grinned with a drowsy smile. "Thank you," Mike closed the door to the library, carrying a sleeping Y/n. She slept like an angel.

In the morning, right after the Lost child's lovely day with the acrobat, a whiff of roses wafted around her bedroom. It was peach roses. Along with that was a single parchment.

It read,
AMBROSIA | \am-'brō-zh(ē-)a
           :something extremely pleasing to     
           taste or smell

            Right below the paper, was crooked writing.
It read,

           "You know... Peach flowers are now my favorite flowers. It's like an ambrosia... and to me, your smile is ambrosia."

Y/n kept the parchment in the cuffs of her sleeves and for once, she felt the sanguine day befall on her shoulders lightly. It seemed as if the rhapsodic personalities of those that learned happiness, sadness, fear, anger, and other emotions sympathized with her...
Y/n smiled as she sheds a tear. Opprobrium... no more. Sanguine is the day!

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