「SLOT 4 」Naib 💧 Y/n

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After an unexplained disappearance from the idv fandom, I came back with ideas that were a little half-baked.
SLOT 3.5 「Cessation of all Life」

            School was ever-so boring. Naib thought time and again, whether something new would happen.
Upon the class dismissal, he hurried to the library, knowing well that a certain someone would be hanging and about.

He opened the doors, and there stood Y/n, about leave, with a book in hand. Y/n was... odd, but in a good way.
She liked delving deep in things that seemed surreal, such as the book in her hand, talking about SCP's... whatever that was.

"Naib," Y/n nudged her friend as she gripped her book in hand.
Inside was different kinds of SCP files, whatever that is. This one was a cluster of SCP-001's.
"Reading that book again? Seriously?" Naib grumbled, making her laugh. "Yeah, I am reading this book a lot. So many mysteries~" Y/n happily sighed. "Why do you like reading those anyways?"
Y/n chuckled, "Lily's Proposal for SCP-001... is not like the others. I like this the most. Rereading this gives me a sense of hope, you can say."
Naib tilted his head. "What do you mean?" He asked. "All these anomalies are often chaotic or inconvenient, classified as a Keter, mostly, but Lily's Proposal is unecessary according to the files," Y/n geeked out.

"SCP-001, is basically a phenomenon that happens before the end of the world. Twenty-four hours, the only viable land on Earth grows a patch of flowers, and the skies clear up. Pollution ceases at the lands, and violence would decrease. Think of it as God's final mercy." Naib nodded, not really caring about the subject at hand.
"The SCP's that are safe, and friendly are freed, the D-class personnel which were little guinea pigs, are discharged honorably, and they may do as they please. That's because it is like... the End of The World, but with a little peace of mind." Y/n looked at Naib with a smile, holding his hand. "The cessation of all life...its scary," Y/n murmured but she began to smile.
"Say, if it ever comes that a sudden patch of flower, let's have a recap on life," Y/n giggled.

Naib snickered. That probably wouldn't happen... right? "You geek... Alright. We'll have a recap on life before the end of the world."


Y/n's breath hitched. The skies were red, much like that of lychnis, and they were being plagued with an XK-class scenario, which had become a reality.
Never did she think she'd be part of this foundation that had been said as nothing but fiction. Y/n clenched her hands, the red lights of the foundation continuing to blink as it signified containment breach.
Y/n laughed it off, as everyone was evacuated to the most viable place on Earth. "Naib!" The commander looked at his lover, concerned. "You're not hurt, are you?" Y/n shook her head. "How about you?" Naib shook his head, "A few scratches. I'm alright. You should evacuate," said the male as he pushed the female away from the danger.
"Stay safe, alright?!" Naib smiled in reply.

Just when the world was about to end, the flowers started to bloom to where Y/n stood.
It was as if the sun was not melting the people into wax. They can't contain the sun after all.
The waxy people moved on its own accord, devouring others into their waxy blobs. Y/n gasped along with the other living people in the area. Her subordinates, the scientists, and all of the staffs watched the sky clear. She looked at where she stood, and she found Naib, helmet off, as they stood on the patch of flowers.
"This is..." Y/n looked to her fellow coworkers as they tasked the freeing off the D-class personnel, the flock of birds that were anomalies, and some of who they contained, which were not dangerous. "SCP-001... The World's Gone Beautiful," Y/n mumbled.

While the world is turning into wax, Y/n watched the people talking about what they all wanted to say. She sighed, "Remember when we were kids?" Naib looked at them, nodding. "I told you before how I wanted to study on a research facility, how I've wanted to learn more about the anomalies?"
Y/n smiled, hands on hips. "I wasn't expecting this... nor was I expecting you to be the commanders," Naib chuckled.
"I told you before, I wanted to be a hero... I wanted to be your hero." Y/n felt her eyes prickle with tears.
"What can we do in twenty-four hours?" Y/n laughed. "Didn't I tell you we'd have a recap?" Naib nodded, lying down beside the female. "So... we met as children... six-years old little me, and seven-years old little you."
Naib chuckled, "We're really starting with that?" Y/n nodded vigorously.
"We started going to school together... remember that time Vera was sent to medical care from tasting teacher's cologne?" Naib heaved from laughter. "Ah, but she's a perfumer now, right?" Y/n nodded.

"Then there was highschool... Emma and Emily had a coming out party, and you scared half of the class when they'd tease me," Y/n sighed smiling. Naib chuckled in reply, "You were dorky back then. I needed to protect my dorky little Y/n."
The two chuckled. "Mike and Norton, remember their coming out as well?" Naib nodded in reply. "I started having a crush on you around second year," said Y/n. "I loved you since middle school," Y/n looked at him, smiling. "Middle school was so cringy back then. You were cute though," Naib blushed when Y/n pinched his cheeks.

"College was... hard. You went to military, I became a scientist, and we couldn't find enough time for each other so we stopped dating for a while," Naib nodded. "How was life back then?" Y/n replied to his query.
"Life was... coffee and Monster energy drinks."

"Then there was the SCP-foundation... I didn't expect to be part of it, but remember the first containment breach I had, and you were there?" Naib nodded. "It was scary, but... I was absolutely shocked seeing your face."
The two sighed. "Then, we got married... After rekindling our relationship, you gave me a blue engagement ring," Y/n smiled.
"We married in the cathedral, and we had a honeymoon... we didn't bore any children, sure, but it was for the best."

"If we did what would you name them?" Y/n looked down on her belly, which didn't harbor a child.
"If they were a girl...Lily, maybe." Naib nodded.
"If they were a boy, I'd name him Oliver," Naib smiled.
"If we were normal people, a family of two children would be nice," the two laughed.

"Lets have one more final dance, and maybe one last kiss before life ends, shall we?" Naib smiled, and hoisted his lover up. The two soon danced, laughing like children. They waltz through the fields, putting a smile on some of their coworker's faces.
When their little merrymaking end, they sealed their lips with a kiss, as the world crumbles to nothingness.

A sad story, about the cessation of life, befitting for the cruel world.

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