「Lost」Eli 🌸 Y/n

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Eli opened his eyes after a sudden prediction. There was this child, dress, a mudded white, torn at the skirt and ragged. Her hair was h/c, dry and full of split-ends, and her eyes were void of light, leaving only a hue of e/c that looked almost gray. On her hand was what looked like a stuffed toy of a cat, something to hold close as the rain pelts down in the woodland of fears. Was this... the new survivor?

Soon enough, on the day of her arrival, was the start of a new conversation for the residents. Martha and Emily could be seen making food for the survivor to accommodate their stay. Had no one knew the survivor or had it been written on paper, everything about them. Everyone was rushing, well, not really everyone. Kreacher and Freddy treated this as a normal day to bring negativity to the already-negative manor, Naib could be seen, lighting up his cigarette, and the others, namely, Aesop, Andrew, and Edgar, locked themselves in their room. Martha gave out a sigh, calling the attention of the male, who had been staring onto space long enough. Eli shook his head, and obliged Martha's orders to bring down the people who kept themselves locked from social gatherings. Before they knew it the door opened, and the petrichor filled the manor as a child stood upon the doors, an envelop in hand with a familiar seal, along with their stuffed toy, closely held onto their chest. The survivors were surprised as the petite girl had let herself in, shivering.
"You poor thing," Just as Eli came back to the entrance hall, he caught a glimpse of the child. It was just as he predicted. She was given a white fluffy towel, and new clothes o change into by the doctor, and she even accompanied her to her room. Murmurs spread just as the two were out of sight. "A child? Such a cute girl, but I pity her. What could be the reason of her invitation?" Emma pondered, hands clasped. "She looks weak. How could someone like her run around the map if she has bones for limbs," Naib mumbled, only to receive a concerning smack in the head by the coordinator. "But, my, her eyes hold not a wisp of life," Fiona added as Aesop could only agree silently. "Thank the heavens, we have made enough food for her." Upon hearing the door shut, the murmurs ceased, and she came out in a white dress, much cleaner than before.

"This cat... Phantasm," She showed the plushie to the residents. "And... this–,"she pointed to herself, "–...Y/n." The people of the manor find her introduction off, as she talked in third person. "Y/n... 「The Lost」... title," Emily smiled, "What Y/n is trying to say is that she is titled by the manor as 「The Lost」. Please do take care of her."

Y/n was an oddball, but from years of living in an ancient library, it was understandable that she talked like a narrator, even if she was bad at talking. She remembered the empty diary by the bedside, and a dictionary beside it. "You look confused," She heard a male voice state as she turned around, and a man did she see, covered with a dark blue cloak, and an owl by his side. "I am Eli. I can sense your confusion, and I would like to enlighten you of your queries," He smiled ever-so gently. "Book in bed..." Eli replied, "Oh. That must be your diary. It is essential that each of us write down on that diary every day. Otherwise, we would be severely punished of a punishment we do no exactly know." Y/n nodded. She could understand his words, yet she couldn't grasp the tongue.

"Game... what," Eli looked at the child, and started to explain the mechanics in the game. Along with that, he had given them a handbook of what these games were all about. "Would you like me to read to you the contents?" Y/n thought for a few, and shook her head. "Thank you... Eli," Y/n bowed before leaving to resign for the day. Upon nearing the diary, she wrote in slightly crooked letters,

"The petrichor fills in my nostrils as I first entered the manor. Anxiety was still my enemy nonetheless, and the thought of meeting new entities... it somehow scares me, yet I anticipated. Not only that, a kind man explained to me how this game works...

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