Chapter 40 ❆ New Plans

Start from the beginning

"Disappointed?" Veronika tilted her head. "Where? You did your very best. If I'm disappointed by this setback, then I do not deserve to be called your mistress. Did we not say to rely on us? We will help solve whatever problems you happen upon in the future. I'm not asking you to not mistakes. Make the necessary mistakes to learn, but don't be foolish. That's all."

Erenol pouted but earnestly nodded as she continued eating.

"By the way, what happened in the arena? There were just some light flashes and then you suddenly lost consciousness? How was that possible?" I asked.

Maun's head bobbed up and down curiously. It seemed he also wanted to know.

"Each time he flashed those lights, I felt...overstimulated somehow," Erenol explained. "And when the big one came, I was blinded completely. I lost everything for a few seconds—sight, hearing, feeling. When I woke up, I was already being treated."

"It might've been a form of hypnosis," Mistress Veronika said. "But it's tricky to do. However, you kids are unguarded and open so you don't think to put up protection against this kind of attack."

"Is that a valid move?" I wondered, prodding the firewood with a stick and watching the embers drift skyward. "Well...the monks didn't go after it. They must've known what it was."

"So long as there's no lasting physical damage, it's not a big issue. Those flashing lights that Defiant Soul utilized against Eren overstimulated her senses and caused her brain to shut down to prevent overload. It's similar to knocking someone out by targeting certain key-points in the body," Mistress Veronika explained. "It's not harmful in the long-run, so it was a perfectly legal move."

"How do we guard against those things?" Maun signed.

"How do we guard against those things?" I translated.

Mistress Veronika eyed the both of us carefully. Her gaze was concentrated on the signs that Maun made with his hands. "It's tricky and much harder to do than just simple blocking with a fist. The best way to do it is to close one's senses for a certain duration to allow recovery. But the timing must be right," she answered after a brief pause.

"Close the eyes?" I asked.

"The mode of overstimulation is through light, so yes."

"Defiant Soul probably didn't want to use that move so early," Kora remarked. He chewed on a piece of lamb, prodding the avocado pieces around his plate with the meat. "It was a most likely a trump card of some sort that allowed him some chance to survive."

"And it worked," Mistress Veronika said. "He managed to squeeze into the top five."

"It would've been the last squeeze for me too! Kind of!" Erenol exclaimed. "But no! I got kicked out of the competition instead!"

"Don't let it dwell on you too much. I lost my fight today too," I said.

"Oh yeah, what happened?"

"I almost called on my element out of desperation. Black Flame was just...yeah, he was very good," I said. "I guess I was like on this cliff and I subconsciously began fighting like a cornered rat. I must have been overwhelmed."

"We'll need a way to keep this down further. Our current treatment is effective, but it's quite unreliable in situations like this. We need to find you something to counteract your element with," Mistress Kora said.

Maun pushed something before me.

It was a block of carving that he'd been working in the past few days. It was in the shape of a lion, but it did not look at all that fierce. On the contrary, it had that catlike laziness—like it was basking under the sun.

I did not want to admit it, but I could feel he was trying to somehow portray my personality through this. It was true, indeed, that I was a very lazy person. This carving perfectly mirrored my mood ninety-nine percent of the time.

"What is this?" I asked, taking it into my hands reluctantly.

The soonest I touched the object, I felt a familiar warmth.

"This is...this has your power in it?" I looked up to meet the silver-violet eyes, surprised.

He nodded.

"Ooh. That's right! That's such a good idea. I think we've all forgotten how Maun's element is actually life!" Mistress Kora said, fist hammering his palm. "Now that I think about it....Maun, your gift actually makes you very suitable for healing other than counteracting Evy's gift," he whispered the last bit, afraid someone would overhear. "How about you learn some medicine from yours truly?"

Maun's face brightened and he nodded enthusiastically. On the other hand, I sent a smile Maun's way. He had on a very adorable cheeriness—the kind who was very happy to have been of help.

I decided I would sew a pouch later and hang this one around my neck. Whenever I had to calm my element down, I would make use of this wooden carving.

"Thank you so much, Maun," I told him.

He smiled brightly.

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