Life 4-1Chapter 10: Excalibur what?

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'Somehow, that doesn't make me feel better.' Issei thought, curling up into himself. If one of the Two Heavenly Dragons, immense beings of power that gods feared that predated time itself said that you were weird, then you were weird as hell.

"Issei! You're friends are here! What should I tell them!?" His mother's voice reached him, snapping him out of his depression.

"Um," Issei looked around the clutter of the room. "Tell them that I'll be right there!"

"I'm letting them go down there okay?" Aiko said.


The door at the top of the stairs opened, revealing that the whole of the Occult Research Club was there.

"Um, why are you all here?" Issei asked Rias who was leading them into the basement.

"So this is Issei's basement huh? This is the first time I've been here." Instead of answering, Rias instead chose to look around the basement, taking in the things that he had put in there.

The basement was quite large, as big as the first floor of the main house itself, more than enough space for all of them to fit comfortably. The walls were all covered with shelves, nearly all of them filled with books, daggers, figurines and the normal stuff that one might find in an enthusiasts collection. In the middle of the room sat a long table with 6 chairs, 3 on each side.

"Um, you can sit here. Sorry for the mess, but I didn't really have time to clean things up you see." Issei fumbled around, trying to make the room presentable.

"Ara, is that a cornucopia?" Akeno said, eyes on the horn still held in Issei's hand.

Issei blinked in surprise before glancing at his hand to see that, yes, he was still holding the horn of plenty. "Er, yes. Yes it is."

"May I see it?" She held her hand out, looking at him expectantly.

"Sure, just, be careful okay? Someone might get hurt." Issei cautioned, thinking about that time in Russia. He wondered if the bear was still wearing the dress shirt that he threw away and it had somehow managed to fit it in it's body.

Akeno rose an eyebrow. "How does one exactly get hurt with something like this?" She asked curiously, inspecting the magical artifact closely.

"Then you haven't seen a honey-glazed ham fly fast enough to dent steel." Issei said, done with his gathering of things and laid them down on the table.

Akeno blinked in surprise before delicately handing it to Issei who hung it's strap on a hook placed on a small portion of the wall. She wandered off to inspect the room for anything else of interest.

"Oh, Issei-san, you have bibles in here!" Asia exclaimed excitedly, bringing one of right at Issei's face. He managed to uncross his eyes enough to see the words 'The Holy Bible' written on the front.

"Um, Asia-" Issei began, but Asia cut him off, unusually worked up over something.

"I'll read you my favorite verse in it!"

"Asia, I don't think that's a good idea." Issei tried to convince her that a devil reading a bible isn't really a smart thing to do.

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