Protective Cousins

Start from the beginning

"Yeah, sorry bud. You know if you stay, your class might see you. Besides, it can't be that bad right?" Dad says, shrugging 

"I guess, can I go on patrol?" I ask

"A couple things first. One, give me the permission form so I can sign it. Two, have you done all your homework? Three, Laura and the kids are coming tomorrow so make sure your room is clean. And four, have you had a snack yet?" Dad replies 

"Did all my homework in school, when are they coming, room is clean and no I have not had a snack yet." I answer, handing Dad the permission form. 

Dad signs the permission form with his signature and not a fake one cause Mr.Ebfwf had to sign a NDA because he knows I'm a Stark. Mr.Ebfwf is a really nice teacher, he is one of my favourite teachers and I'm one of his favourite students.

"They are coming around 10:30ish so they will be around for your tour and eat something. Spider-boys need to eat!" Dad responded. 

I grab a tangerine and start peeling it, popping some of the slices into my mouth. "Do you think Cooper, Nathaniel or Lila will embarrass me?" I say in between bites. 

"Do you want the reassuring answer or the honest one?" Dad asks with an amused expression and a raised eyebrow. 

"Honest.......?" I reply 

"You're done for. I, for one, am not going to bother or embarrass you cause those 3 will take care of it!" Dad replies with one of him famous smirks. 

"Yay!" I exclaim, sarcasm clear in my voice. Dad bursts out laughing and I give him a "seriously?" look which he completely ignores. 

"Alright, go on patrol. Be back by dinner, I'm making my mom's homemade ravioli." Dad says 

"Really!?!? Nonna's ravioli?!?" I yell, jumping onto the ceiling. 

"Yep, so don't be late." Dad replies 

"Okay!" I scream, activating my Nano-tech suit and jumping out the window.  

I hear yell a distant "BE CAREFUL!" before I shoot a web at a building and swing off. 

Time Yeet to dinner 

I come into the kitchen after my shower and see everyone there, including Mom (Pepper). "Hey guys" I say. I get a chorus of "Hey/Hi/Hello" as I sit down. I load my plate with ravioli. Dad may not be a good cook overall but he is AMAZING at cooking Italian food. 

It's AMAZING. Like, Amazing

"I have a field trip here tomorrow so can you guys, like, not embarrass me please? Nathaniel, Cooper and Lila will probably cover that department. So can you guys not add to it please?" I ask, with puppy-dog eyes

"Sure baby spider, if anyone has anything to say about it, they can take it up with me and Pepper. Right Pep?" Auntie Tasha reassures me 

"Of course, your cousins are gonna embarrass you quite a lot anyways, we shouldn't add to it. Right everyone?" Mom replies 

Everyone nods, scared senseless, nobody likes Mom's and Aunt Nat's wrath, no one. "Thanks, Mom, thanks Auntie Tasha." I say, smiling at them 

"No problem, sweetie/baby spider" They reply, smiling as well. 

We finish dinner and we watch a quick movie before I go to bed. We watch Star Wars and before I know it, it's 10:30 and, I'm half-asleep. "Night guys, love you." I say, while putting up the peace symbol, walking out of the room. 

I lie down in my bed and as soon as my head hits the pillow, I'm out cold. 

Time Skip to the next morning 

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