"Uh, Iris-" I tried to start, my cheeks now definitely matching the shade of her lips. The brunette seemed unfazed by her comment, hands collapsing onto her thighs after she'd thrown them into the air.

"It's true," she continued. "And even then, he isn't like that." I stayed quiet, the girl taking it into her own hands to continue. "So- are we friends or not?"

"Yes Iris whatever, we're friends," I told her, all but begging within the statement for her to just stop talking. "I don't really know why that even matters or where it's come from- I live with you, regardless."

"Ha!" She cheered, patting my leg that had curled up on the sofa near her. But instead of leaving them there, she grabbed them, stretching them back out across her lap. I tensed, attempting to pull them back but she kept hold, "You've just said we're friends Harry, you're allowed to touch and spend time with me."

I huffed, relaxing my shoulders. She was unbelievable and I didn't even have it in me to argue with her about something so ridiculous. "You're so fucking annoying."

Smirking over at me, Iris blew me a kiss. I rolled my eyes at her, flipping her off before putting my eyes back on the TV.

"Don't want your sodding kisses either," I grumbled, ruffling a hand through my hair. She did nothing other than flash me a toothy grin.


"So, Harry," Iris slurred a few hours later. She'd ditched her clothes, appearing from her bedroom in an oversized jumper that I was actually almost certain was mine. She'd also ditched her innocent Smirnoff Ice and started on the Gin and it had only taken her an hour to be possibly the drunkest I'd seen her.

"What now?"

"Let's not with that tone," she attempted to scold, but her own tone coming out far too cheery. "We're friends remember."

"Yes, Iris- what is the very important thing you were going to say?" I asked. It was nearing midnight, and even though that wasn't too late, I was actually knackered like I'd said earlier in what sounded like an excuse to get away; at the time that's mostly what it was, but now I was more than ready for some sleep. "But can we make it quick- wanna go bed."

"But I'm not tired yet," Iris sulked, crossing her arms. Whoever's hoodie she had on was drowning her, already tiny body looking even smaller. She was spread across the opposite end of the sofa, head leaning near my calf. "We don't need to go to bed."

"By all means," I began, gesturing to the living room. The football had long since finished and she'd had us watching the Pitch Perfect film series since. "You stay out here, I am going to bed."

"That's really mean," she said, bottom lip poking out. It was still as red as before, but some of the lipstick had smudged, now staining underneath her lips- slightly cute. "Can I at least sit in your room with you?"

"No," I shook my head quickly, tossing the remote down to her end of the sofa. I got up, the girl moving just as quickly to join me. "You need to go and wipe your lips."

"Why?" Iris asked, eyebrow raising as she began wiping at her mouth with her hand, the makeup only moving to there. Huffing, she dropped her shoulders as she now looked down at her stained hand, "I forgot about that."

My lips raised, slightly amused for once by the girl next to me. Faith had texted her a while ago saying most of them had returned home, so I was expected my two flat mates to be home; but when they didn't show up to save me, I ended up stuck on the sofa with a drunk Iris for an extra hour.

"If I wipe my lips can I come to your room?" She asked, frowning when I shook my head no yet again. "Please Harry."




"Please- yes."

"For the last time, no."

"I'm ringing Cal to tell him you're being mean to me."

"Fucking fine," I huffed, dragging myself off of the sofa and towards the fridge. I grabbed her a bottle of water and some Ibuprofen; God help she falls asleep in my bed and wakes up with a hangover- that would be bad for me as well as her. "Hurry the fuck up then, I'm tired."

She grinned, jumping on the spot a few times before disappearing into her bedroom. I made my way to my own, shrugging off my hoodie, T-shirt and jeans after I'd placed her water on the bedside table. Getting into bed, I claimed my favourite side.

Iris still hadn't joined me after fifteen minutes of silence, so I got back out of bed with a sigh. Her room was dark, the lamp from her dressing table being the only light in the room. Iris's body was slumped across the desk, wipe in her hand with the remains of her lipstick. So much for 'I'm not tired'.

I stifled a laugh, the view in front of me amusing. "Iris," I called from the doorway, herself already in a deep sleep when she didn't reply. Turning, I was tempted to leave her like that- repaying her for taking over my alone time, but then I thought about the pain she'll wake up in, causing me to wonder over and shake her shoulder softly.

"Oh- what?" She mumbled, shrugging my hand away. Her cheek was squashed against her arm, lips puffed out and bare of any of the makeup she once had. I shook her again, her eyes opening with a squint. "What?"

"Come get in bed," I spoke quietly, grabbing a hold of her wrist to help her stand. She walked over with a slight wobble, collapsing on top of her bed. "Just wait-" I stopped her, pulling the duvet out from underneath her, "You'll freeze."

"Cute," she muttered, patting my cheek as she rolled over in the bed, tugging the duvet up. "You care; see, we are friends."

"Yep," I nodded even though she couldn't see me. "We are." Making sure her body was far enough in the bed, I turned- finally making my own way to bed.

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