Chapter 6

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Jade's P.O.V.
"Jade Waco," the words were a slap in the face, was it my turn already?
"Best of luck to you, Jade." Shadow whispered to me as I walked by. Rosie, Eliza, and Kelly wished me good luck too, because apparently, I needed it.
Down in the middle where an assortment of things: a trampoline, bars used for swinging, and...water, probably put there by that Marcus guy or something.
With my palms sweating, I began to run. I ran down the front row of the freshmen's bleachers high-fiving kids as I went along, then I proceeded to the older kids. I ran, as fast as I could, then I stopped at the bars, grabbed hold, and began doing tricks I didn't even now I had the skills to do. Then I did the same on the trampoline, just letting my subconscious mind take over.
All that and I didn't even break a sweat, well, at least not from the running and gymnastics.
The entire school cheered for me, Shadow, Rosie, Eliza, and Kelly even started chanting for me, and then the entire ninth grade, then the school.
And then the bell rang.

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