Chapter Twenty-Two

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In erratic rotations my indisposed physique twined underneath a glossy material, eyes shut, legs curled, head walloping, may as well been a corpse. With my body coiled in the smallest ball, I laid there with harmony, accepting it.

This was peace.

A tall figure holding up a mask of paternity drove up to the phantasm, parking right on my heart and caused me to sit up, praying it would leave me alone. But when my wide eyes scanned my bedroom, it tripled in size; it became big like our apartment.

Everything was blank, my memory. Something had to be done. With bare feet resting on glacial wood floor boards it dawned I was undressed to only matching black underwear.

I stood, with my legs buckling under the sift of weight, how long was I out? Soon enough heaven white walls welcomed me when I stumbled to the apparent exit.

My shoulder grazed a wooden frame as I forced a grip on the door handle, but then powerful arms swung across my shoulders, holding me up from falling.

"Close your eyes." One firm sultry tone swayed in my head, I so desperately tried to block it out, but it kept going. They shut. "Breathe in." I took a large gasp for air. "Slowly...that's it, keep doing that for me."

The calming person remained anonymous as I solely focused on breathing in and out, in and out, in and- "Here drink this, you are parched." Cooling water, with guidance, rolled down a withered throat which occasionally stuck together due to the lack off moisture.

They led me to a tall chair, propping my back against the gelid table and barely pressed four fingers to my forehead. "You are still burning up, Miss King; can you please open your eyes for me?"

Only now I realised I have not spoken to nor saw this person since I woke up. Light broke the deep depth of darkness when I cracked my eyes open, and then a concerned face hovered inches from mine.

Eyes fighting jabs from exhaustion, I absorbed blonde hair falling to her shoulders, being attentive exclusively to it, fearing what would happen if I gave in to the darkness.

"Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Um." Equally blue tears bulged in sky eyes, not pummeling, just drowning in one place. "The bathroom, I will be back, just stay here." The breath blowing in my face, smelled weird, as if she had drunk something strong.

"Promise?" A strained low hoarse pitch rung from my scratchy throat as I forced a response.

There was a condensed hesitation, "promise."


Human sized transparent body of water? "What is that?" Even drowsy with weighing eyelids, I questioned the blonde standing with her back against black marble tiles, expression unable to be covered.

Arms crossed, teeth gnawing the bottom lip, she's scared.

"It is a bath tub." She said softly while screwing the faucet open, washing her clean hands, again and again, like it was a reflex. Until her pleading eyes found me, "You should get inside."

I wanted to refuse so badly, but my skin scorched with an internal flame, I couldn't explain. One sigh was all it took as I raised my leg and melted into the cold water. I held onto my knees, face buried onto them, and then it suddenly went dark.

"Shit!" She staggered forward and held my head with her palm, she caught it just in time before it crashed against the edge of the glass. "Noah, wake up. Wake up...please...just wake up."

I woke up with a fully clothed body supporting my limp frame and arms blanketed around my upper body inside the bathtub. Steady streams of water washed onto me as I felt it going over my skin, cooling every inch.

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