Chapter Thirteen

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I stood before the glass door, fighting the feeling uncertainty, I can’t place why exactly I was there. It’s not that I liked Slater, yet I needed to relentlessly remind myself that he hate-crimed me the first time we met.

The door glided open followed by a towering lanky guy, leaning against the silver doorframe. He made it a mission to hold direct eye contact with me.

“Well can I come in? Or are you just going to stare?” I asked very annoyed at the fact that he silently was eyeing me down

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“Well can I come in? Or are you just going to stare?” I asked very annoyed at the fact that he silently was eyeing me down.

He smirked and stepped aside, pointing upstairs as to make me aware he was not going to utter a word. I just had to trust him and follow his lead.

The bedroom was much bigger than I had anticipated and had animated presence to it. The persona he portrayed and the energy of his room differed tremendously.

It made me wonder if he had purposely chose to appear like an asshole at school, just to protect himself from the idea that he did not fit in the typical ‘jock’ mould.

Posters of mostly 90’s rock bands took most of the space on the walls in his room. Surprisingly his taste was not that bad.

I had expected pop music or songs men wrote to pity themselves, but I was pleasantly surprised, “Who would have guessed an asshole like you had good music taste.” I mocked as he sat down on his king sized bed.

The comforters were jet black, it had an interesting contrast considering most of the house depended on white lights.

“Me, an asshole?” He placed his hand on his chest, pretending to be hit by my bullets of insult, “Never; I am an angel straight for Heaven itself.” Slater sarcastically laughed and quickly picked up his phone from the desk. The green eyes scanned the words and then came back to me.

“Yeah and Lucifer was an angel too.” His cocky remarks merely earned an eye roll.

“You calling me hot Ocean?” He teased and let out a soft chuckle which sent alarming tingles down  my side, but instead of getting flushed, I gave a passive smile and ordered him to get his books out.

“Hold up Lee, who said we’re studying? Does it look like I’m interested in studying?”

“The only reason I’m here is to tu-” But before I could finish my sentence he yanked me on the bed and threw a controller in front of my legs. In all honesty being here with Slater was very uncomfortable, I knew he was trying to ease the tension, but being close to him made everything worse.

Why did I feel like this?

“We’re playing, end of discussion.”

Time flew by and before I knew it darkness had fallen outside, “Fuck.” I muttered under my breath. The plan to stay at Noah’s had completely slipped my mind, “Hey uh I really should get going.” The controller dropped on the bed as I started to collect my school books that I hadn’t even had the chance to touch, “Slater?”

After briefly closing his eyes he decided to speak, “What are you serious? It’s almost ten, you could  just stay here...I mean it’s dangerous to g- and it’s cold, so cold. Not to mention traffic...” He continued to ramble with eyes almost pleading for me to stay.

“I really can’t, sorry.”

“Ocean...please.” His voice carried so much desperation, that I could not help, but nod. I knew I was going to regret it tomorrow morning, but I feared if I had forced to leave, which I didn’t really, he would breakdown and cry.

“Fine, but we need to leave before sunrise. I don’t want my best friend to know.” I hated lying to Noah, but if she did not approve of Caleb, chances were she was going to despise Slater.

“Deal.” He attempted at hiding the wide smile of his face and began rumbling through his closet for what I could only assume to be blankets, “You can sleep in my bed and I’ll lay here.” He pointed to the cold wood floor boards.

“No that’s not necessary-”

“Don’t be disgusting, I’m not fag.”


The sky had been blue for quite a while when we pulled up at the apartments. I couldn’t believe we overslept. Nothing happened and we still managed to miss both our alarms and the calls from Noah.

She’s going to kill me if she knew where I spent the night. Slater gently tugged on my arm and shyly smiled, “I surprisingly enjoyed hanging out with you.” It was evident that he was sincere and that made me even more afraid.

“Me too.”

I tip toed up Kings room, only to find her bed neatly made up. Of all the times, she decided this morning was the opportunity to be an honourable student. I slumped down onto her bed, closing my eyes to relive the moments that happened just a few seconds ago.

Before I knew it a smile had crept onto my face.

After showering and slipping into my school uniform, I headed to their kitchen for something to eat,   “Hey Ocean, I didn’t know you spent the night. Did you sleep well?” Uncle Sam cheerfully asked while sipping on a cup of coffee.

I had no idea how he missed me sneaking in, but Noah did mention that he was most likely love-struck. It should be illegal the way Uncle Sam found a way to always see the good in everyone. It had gotten to the point where he wants me to at least respect my mother, but both Noah and I refused.

“Good, except Noah wasn’t there when I woke up...” Not being truthful to my Uncle hurt, but I could not find it in my heart to tell anyone where if I was, “Did she say where she was going?”

“No,” He smiled and scratched his neck, “but she ditched the clothes that made her look homeless and wore a neat outfit. The only logical conclusion, she’s on a date.”

Azra? No, she had school. So where did Noah go?

“Right...” I took a bite of the breakfast Uncle Sam had prepared and fixed my crooked tie, “If you see her, can you tell her I want to talk?”

He nodded and pointed to the bright yellow school bus outside the window, “Go on, have a nice day at school Ocean.”

“Thank you Uncle Sam!” I sprinted out the door, grabbing my bag and then finally, I jumped on the bus full of people, that seemed to be indifferent towards me.


The sunflower coloured vehicle stopped in front of the enormous gates of hell, where the rich and the filthy received basic education, unless you are Ocean Lee who only made it in on a scholarship. Luxury cars sped past me and parked into spots specifically assigned to them.

The only reason they had a piece of concrete painted to form a box, was because their parents donated to the school.

It’s pathetic really.

I paid no mind to the stares and comments following me when I made it to the entrance of the building. What caught my attention was a blonde caressing Slater’s cheek and before she could get first dibs, he cupped her face and aggressively kissed her in front of the whole school.

Including me.

He knew I could see them.

I ignored the fuck fest and simply strutted past them without giving it a second glance. The bell dismissed us which caused everyone to swiftly vanish, leaving the halls a ghost town after just a few minutes.

My peaceful stroll as hastily interrupted by an arm pulling me into a dark storage room. The figure took a hold of my body and covered my mouth from making any sound.

Green eyes looked back at me.

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