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Hyunjin and jeongin were getting ready for dinner as it was already around 6:30 pm and dinner was at 7.

Jeongin was in the bathroom putting on light concealer, while hyunjin was getting dressed out by their beds.

"Hey baby, can you come here for a sec?" Hyunjin spoke loud enough so the younger could hear him over the music that was playing.

"Hold on, I'll be right there" jeongin finished up evenly applying his concealer adding a little blush to his cheek as well as a tint for his lips.

Jeongin walked out of the bathroom to see hyunjin standing in a pair of white khakis without his shirt.

"My zipper is stuck, could you help me?" Hyunjin smirked.

Jeongin picked up a pillow off his bed and threw it at this boyfriend. "Really Hwang!? That's what you said last time, and I ended up sucking you off. So no. I will not help you."

"Fine, but we need to hurry, or else we're gonna be late." Hyunjin quickly zipped up his pants, slid on a white dress shirt and a black sweater overtop.

Jeongin put on a pair of beige khakis, a black button up shirt, and a deep red argyle sweater.

Hyunjin slid on his black platform high top converse, and jeongin put on his regular red converse.

"why do you always wear those, you're already lanky as shit" Jeongin pouted as they walked out of the door locking it behind them.

"Let me remind you, that you love my "lanky as shit" body. So I don't wanna hear it." Hyunjin intertwined their fingers squeezing it tight as he spoke.

"I do, but I feel so small right now."

"Well baby, at least you can say your dick is bigger than mine."


"What? we both know it's true" The older all shrugged.

Once they arrived at the restaurant, they were the first ones to arrive. The nice waitress lady took them to their table. Hyunjin reserved a private room, so all eight of the boys could speak freely without randos listening to their conversations.

They sat down a talked for a bit, waiting on the others to arrive.

The seconds to arrive was Felix and changbin.

Next was surprisingly Minho and Jisung. They were always late to gathering, so this was odd.

But what was even more surprising, was the last people to show up was Chan and seungmin. They were always on time, but they didn't even show up until 7:15.

" hey guys, sorry we're late. Seungmin and I went bowling last night and he threw his back out or something, so it took him extra long to get ready." Chan said helping Seungmin walk in.

"oh no it's fine, just have a seat. We will order soon!" Hyunjin smiled.

[Seating arrangements]

All of the boys, ordered their food when the waitress came. Other than that, they were just catching up due to the fact none of them even knew what happened to hyunjin and jeongin. They didn't know that the two went to the police station or any of that.

After the two boys told the story, everyone gave them a hug as they felt really bad that they weren't there for them. It wasn't necessarily pity because they knew both boys hated pity. It was more just comforting them, telling them that they'll always be there in the future.

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