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"Aweeeee looks like jeongin already broke rule number 2. Have fun starving."

"Now, hyunjin go to your room (the guest room), jeongin, you come with me." The two boys obeyed and did as they were told. Hyunjin went to the guest room and turned on the television to keep his mind off of what may be happening to jeongin.

Meanwhile, jeongin followed haewoo into his room. The older sat down on his bed against the head bored and patted his lap signaling jeongin to sit straddling him.

"I'm not straddling you."

"You don't have an option"

"Yeah I do, and I'm choosing not to!" Haewoo slapped jeongin for being "bratty".

"Look jeongin. It's not like I want to hurt you guys, I just get pissed off easily." He said pulling jeongin on to his lap forcefully.

"Yeah I can tell." Jeongin rolled his eyes sarcastically.

"Did I say you could talk? No I don't recall that I did. Anyways as I was saying. Just try and cope with me ok? If you do, maybe all of us can get along and we can live happily" he started to place suddle kissed on the youngers neck.

"Can I speak now?"

"Fine, go on." He started sucking and biting on jeongins soft vulnerable skin.

Jeongin stayed as calm as possible so it wouldn't upset the older. "You want us to live happily together? Haew- sir, you took everything away from us. Our whole lives are back at campus, my friends who I consider my family are probably worried as fuck that me and hyunjin are missing. Look, I understand that you're trying to get your revenge on me for breaking up with you, but don't you think this is a bit far? You nearly killed hyunjin last night and you forced me to have sex with you just so I could see if he was okay. Not to mention the rules are a bit much. How are me and hyunjin supposed to be happy under these circumstances?"

Haewoos pulled his lips away from the boys neck. "We have to start off somewhere, I have to show you guys who's in charge. Once you start following these rules and obeying me correctly, you will get more privileges. As for now, just do as you say and nobody gets hurt."

"Fine but let's make a deal, you don't lay a fucking finger on hyunjin, and I'll obey to every word you say, AND you let me see him for an hour a day."

"Hell no, If I see you two together I'll lock you up in the basement and fuck him senseless just to prove a point."

This made jeongins blood boil, why? Well he wasn't sure why but he knew he felt the need to protect hyunjin because he wouldn't be in this mess if it wasn't for him and his family issues. So hearing haewoo say he would do such thing to him made him furious.

As much as jeongin wanted to kill haewoo right there, he knew he had no chance. So what was the next option? Easy, that was to seduce him. As much as he hated the idea, he knew it would work because it had always been haewoos weakness.

"Daddy~ pleaseeeee" jeongin said rolling his hips causing friction between the two boys clothed groins.

"J-jeongin I said- I said no." Haewoo groans as the smaller boy began to grind on him and a quickening pace.

"But daddyyy~ I'll be a good boy" jeongin wasn't sure if he was being convincing enough. Plus this was technically going against rule #3 (don't pleasure me unless I say so) but it was worth a shot. He started to unbutton haewoos shirt as he rolled his hips faster.

Haewoo then grabbed onto the boys hips to guide them. "F-fine jeongin, you get 1 hour everyday with him, you can talk, nothing more. if I catch you two touching eachother, I will lock him up, and you can forget about me not touching him."

"Thank you daddy~" jeongin was ready to throw up at his own words but pushed through, he was doing this for hyunjin.

Jeongin new he would be hit more, fucked more, and yelled at more since haewoo wasn't allowed to touch hyunjin anymore. But he felt it was the least he could do to make up for all he did to hyunjin.


Hours later and it was time for lunch. Haewoo and jeongin made their way to the kitchen and to their surprise hyunjin was already sitting at the table.

"Good job hyunjin, you made it here on time."

"T-thank you s-sir"

"Mhm now, jeongin. You're not allowed to eat but you will still sit at the table. Understood?"

Jeongin just rolled his eyes

"Use your words"

"Yes sir" jeongin scoffed. And of course got slapped.

"Drop the attitude or the deal is off" he threatened which made jeongin come to realization and he obeyed.

"Sorry sir, I won't do it again."

Hyunjin was confused on to what this "deal" was but he was too afraid to ask, so he just stayed quiet.

Hyunjin and haewoo the ate and jeongin watched.


Now, you two have 1 hour and remember, no touching. I'll be in my room if you need anything.

Haewoo got up and left leaving the two at the dining table.

"Wait, what is going on" hyunjin questioned jeongin.

"I made a deal with haewoo" hyunjin nodded his head as jeongin continued. "If I stop being a brat and suck up to him, he promised not to touch you."

"Wait really? No... why would you do that? Now he's just going to use you more!?"

"Hyung, calm down. It's fine, I just don't want you getting hurt because it's my fault if you do, yanno because I dragged you into this."


"Look, it's fine. I'll just call him daddy and fuck him once a day, in return he treats you like a human rather than a punching bag or a pet. I don't regret my decision so deal with it."

The two boys came to terms and ended up watching television for the hour they got together. Finally for once since they had gotten there, they felt some sort of peace. Almost forgetting about their problems and simply just enjoyed the presence of one another.

I fucking hate this chapter 😀

Hatred - hyuninHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin