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Jeongins pov

Me Jisung and Minho had left the campfire because I was pissed off for obvious reasons. We went and sat down by the bar and immediately Han and I started drinking. We talked about stupid shit for about 45 minutes, knowing me I was of course complaining about hyunjin, but not only that, I think I kept bringing up the fact I felt Chan get hard when we were making out for truth or dare. I found it funny how someone could get aroused so easily. 

"So...have you guys fucked yet?" I blurted out of nowhere, of course I had no filter on because I was way more than just tipsy at this point.

"W-wha...what?" Han started to panic , but if I'm going to be honest I knew my best friend pretty well. I knew he had feelings for Minho and I definitely knew something was going on between them.

"Yeah" Minho doesn't even hesitate to answer my question.

"Nice" I turn to Han "must be real good dick if you stopped being a slut for it." Minho then responded with "I guess you can say he's my reserved slut, all mine" he have a warm smile as Han blushed at his words. Then soon after han leaned in and whispered something in my ear. "He's really goooodddd" he slurred his words and let out a giggle.

"No secrets Hannie" Minho said in a stern voice, he seemed to be getting a tiny bit jealous that he was being left out. "Sorry da-min I said that youre reallllyyy goooddd" he hiccuped in between his slurred words.

"That's enough drinking for you, give me that." Han then handed Minho his cup and Minho downed the whole cup in a second. "Now if you will excuse us jeongin, I'm gonna go take my slut to one of the back rooms" he then grabbed Hans wrist and dragged him into the third guest bedroom down the hallway.

Did they just leave me to have sex? Yup. Yeah, they did.

Well I was debating on going back down to the fire to hang out with the others but if I'm going to be honest, I could feel myself about to pass out. I had way to many dinks and I knew it. Chan even told me not to, but I didn't listen. I'm stupid.

I got up, my legs wobbly, and my vision was quite hazy. I stumbled to the last guest room on the first floor. The 5th guest room. Not sure what was going on in my mind, but I decided to take a nap. Little did I know, someone saw me enter the bedroom drunk.

⚠️ (sexual assault mentions)

I was drifting off to sleep when all the sudden I heard the door open and shut again, I was too drunk, I didn't feel like getting up to see who came in. Honestly I thought it was Felix, Chan or someone like that. But oh boy was I wrong.

The taller figure made their way over to my body. "Hey cutie" ok now I was confused as fuck.

"Wha do yew whant" I managed to somewhat speak my language.

"Well I just wanted to see for myself" he inched closer to where he was now sitting on the bed beside me hand between my thighs.

"See whad yu bassdard,? stob touching meh" I slapped his hand that was inching its way to my dick. I think he got upset because he then squeezed my wrist tight pinning my hand above my head. I screamed. He punched me to make me shut up. It worked, everything went black. Shit I'm fucked, quite literally. Was the last thing I thought before I slipped unconscious.

⚠️ (end)

I woke up, immediately catching my breath. I checked the time, it's 6:12 a.m. shit where am I...wait I'm back in the dorm, how did I get here. Fuck my head hurt so bad.

I was going to get up to grab medicine and water because I was in a shit tone of pain, but when I started to get up I looked on my side table and there sat a tall glass of water, pain relievers and a note that read:

"Take these and take a shower, you smell like ass." - hyunjin.

This kinda took me buy surprise. Normally hyunjin would just go to sleep and not take care of me or anything but he managed to actually help me out a little. Weirdo.

I took the pills and stood up to head to the wash room.

I took off my clothing as I stood in from if the mirror. As I lifted up my sweatshirt it revealed hickeys and bruises all over my neck and chest all the way down to my lower abdomen. I felt a small tear trickle down my face as I had realized what happened. Was I raped? No no, I would be in more pain. But I still felt like I was going to crumble right there. I then took my pants and underwear off reveal more buries and hickey on the inner parts of my thighs. Why can't I remember what happened, who did this to me. My back slid down the wall and I started to cry as I pulled my knees into my chest.

My wrist were so sore with ringed bruises around them. My face bruised up aching at the touch. And my body felt like it didn't fully belong to me, like I had lost apart of myself for being vulnerable. I felt gross, contaminated, but mostly I felt anger, sadness and confusion.

So there I sat, naked, crying on the bathroom floor wishing this was all a nightmare that I  would soon wake up from.

Someone said they wanted jeongins pov from the party so here <3

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