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"I love you"

Hyunjin didn't even give jeongin Time to respond before he pressed his lips against the youngers.

Their lips moved effortlessly together. Jeongin wrapped his arms around the older pulling him impossibly closer.

Of course jeongin loved him as well, but he couldn't help but feel a sense of guilt because their freedom would be gone by the end of the day. He wanted so badly to have the future he imagined with hyunjin. But now it seems like that's impossible.

Just run away with him. He thought to himself. But running away was nothing different than turning his friends in for the things they have done. Which he definitely didn't want to do.

Just turn sanghoon in. Once again, he thought to himself. But turning the man in, would give the man the privilege of telling the police right then and there what his friends had done.

Turning sanghoon in would simply be turning in his friends as well.

Could he ever really be happy? could him and hyunjin ever be happy? He wanted to love him forever, which he knew he could do. But, it seems like the world was stopping them.

Tears flowed out of his eyes running down his cheeks getting caught in between the boys lips. Hyunjin pulled away as he tasted the saltiness of the boys tears.

" baby why are you crying?" He took the pads of his thumbs and wipe the tears off the boys cheeks.

Hyunjin was worried he had done something wrong, was the younger not ready? Was it too soon to say I love you? Did he scare him from moving too fast?

" I love you so fucking much" jeongin cried.

Hearing those words felt like a weight lifted off hyunjins shoulder.

They were in love.

" I love you so fucking much but... but why does they world constantly feel like it doesn't want us together. We've been through hell and we finally got out of it, only to go right back."

"W- what do you mean?" Hyunjin had a worried look on his face, "go back?"

" I love you, I love everything about you. And I hate to do this on our first official date but..."

(A/n: hey Shawty, i'm too lazy to type it out , just pretend that I wrote jeongin telling hyunjin about everything back in the dorm with sanghoon😩)

"Baby baby, shhhhh stop crying, this is not your fault. do not blame this on yourself. This is haewoos and his boyfriends fault. Your choice to not turn in our friends, was the right choice. And as much as I hate to say this, we have no other choice as of now, besides to do what he tells us to. Plus, there is one bright side to this... we're actually in it together. He's not going to keep us separated, we'll still get to sleep with each other every night. I'll still get a hold you. I'll still get to see your face every morning when I wake up. And I still get to see your beautiful smile every single day, that one smile and that one amazing laugh that keeps me going." He leaned in placing a kiss on the others for head. "I'll be able to love you. That's all I'll ever need."

The younger looked up, staring deeply into the precious eyes of the boy tthat sat in front of him.

Hyunjin pulled him in for one small kiss before pulling away shortly after " I mean, I already told you I loved you. And we only have what? Five more hours of freedom? So let me get to the point, Yang jeongin... Will you be my boyfriend?"

"Yes, yes of course I will." Jeongin cheerfully said as tears of happiness streamed down his face. " you make me the happiest boy alive, Hwang hyunjin. I'm so glad I get to call you mine"

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