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Hyunjin woke up around 6:30 to sounds of small cry's coming from the bathroom. He looked up to jeongin wasn't in his bed, without hesitation hyunjin jolted up and rushed to the bathroom door.

Fuck. Why am I doing this. It's not like he cares that I care.

He stood outside the door listening to the soft cry's that became louder by the second. Hyunjin was worried, for some reason, he was actually worried for the boy he "hated"

*Knock knock* "hey fucker I- I mean jeongin, you alright?" Jeongin didn't respond.

"I'm coming in" hyunjin slowly opened the door to reveal the boy covered in marks curled up in a ball sulking on the floor.

"GET OUT, IM NOT IN THE MOOD TO FUCKING BICKER WITH YOU RIGHT NOW SO FUCK OFF...please" jeongin was clearly in pain, you could hear in it his voice.

"I'm not here to argue right now, I-I I"


"no I-" hyunjin was cut off once more.

"I SAID LEAVE" jeongin was choking out his words between cry's, which was painful for hyunjin to watch.

"WOULD YOU SHUT UP JEONGIN, I WANT TO HELP" hyunjin finally yelled out to get the boys attention.


"Jeongin, when I found you last night I nearly cried, even if I fucking hate you, It was really upsetting to see what state you were in. if you want to talk about what you remember, I'm here to listen."

"And why would I tell you, for all I know you could've-" jeongins started to have trouble breathing. " for all I know you could've done this to me, so why should I trust someone who always treats me like shit."

To be honest hyunjin was kind of hurt by the fact that Jeongin even had a thought that it could've been him that had done this. "no I could never do something like this to someone, and especially you" wtf did I just say...especially you? Hyunjin thought.

"What do you mean by especially me?" Jeongin face was full of confusion. Then for some reason just at that moment he realized that hyunjin was staring at him naked this whole time. "AH WAIT GET OUT IM NAKED!?!"

"Jeongin this is like the 4th time I've seen you naked this week, why so freaked out"

"Just get out, please. I need to shower."

"Are you okay though?" Hyunjin instead of leaving he walked towards the boy and sat down beside him.

"What are you doi-"

"I asked if you were okay." Hyunjin said in a sort of calm commanding voice. This was actually the first time that hyunjin has ever talked to him in a calm tone. Which for some reason made jeongin feel some type of way.

"Why do you care?" Tears fell from his red puffy eyes and rolled down his bruised up face.

"Just please answer the question jeongin, I'm worried."

"Why? WHY?! I don't buy this, why are you being nice? Is it pity, do you pity me? Because don't. If it wasn't for you I wouldn't even be in this situation. Fuck you Hwang Hyunjin!" The boy started to have an unsteady breath and he choked out many more cry's.

Hyunjin knew the boy was right. He knew this was his fault. And he knew that this would probably make things worse but he did the first thing that come to his mind. He hugged the boy.

Hyunjins arms wrapped around the balled up naked boy and pulled him in close to his chest. At first jeongin struggled to push the older away but just gave in because he didn't stand a chance at winning. The younger cried even harder into hyunjin shoulder. Believe it or not this was the first time they shared skin ship that wasnt violent.

Jeongin wrapped his arms around the older and hugged him back. "I-I feel violated hyun-hyunjin, I-I was unconscious but I-i feel like I can st-still r-remember him t-touching and hitting m-me."

Hyunjin started to tear up as well, for what reason, he didn't know. I'm just comforting the boy, I still hate him. Right?

"Shhhhh, it's gonna be okay. Take a deep breath." Hyunjin ran his fingers through the boys hair and the slid his hands down to cup the youngers face. "I'm sorry" that's all hyunjin said before getting up and exiting the bathroom, leaving jeongin confused.

Jeongins pov

As I took my shower and let the water run against my face and down my body, I stared at the wall and thought about what hyunjin had said. "I'm sorry" I didn't know what he was sorry for or what he was apologizing for, he didn't make it specific and he didn't leave me any hints. I felt overwhelmed, trying to figure out what he meant. He should be apologizing for multiple things, one "I'm sorry" isn't enough, or is it?

I thought more about my situation, and where I stood at the moment, and it brought me to think that the one that took care of me, the one that brought me back to the dorm, the one at safely drove me home, the one who went and looked for me after I was nowhere to be seen, and the one that found me was hyunjin. And yet, I didn't even thank him.

I'm the one who needs to apologize...

Hey loves, here's a shorter chapter<3
Also this wasn't proofread so please excuse the mistakes!

Hatred - hyuninNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ