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"I fucking knew it"

Chan broke from the kiss but was only pulled back in by jeongin "ignore him, just don't stop kissing me." Was jeongin trying to make hyunjin jealous? Or did he want payback for another one of their petty arguments. Or was it he actually just wanted to kiss Chan longer? Who knows, but at this point jeongin was kissing Chan quite aggressively as if it were full of anger.

Chan pulled away once more. "No, jeongin. stop. What are you doing?"

"Can I not just kiss you?"

"Not when you're acting like this, I get that I'm just here for comfort but I'm not going to tolerate being used as some sort of card in this pity fight you have with hyunjin." Chan said and left jeongin shocked.

Could he really read me that quick?

"I-I wasn't" jeongin lied

"Oh for sure, it totally started to work though. Maybe if you kept sucking at his face for longer I would have eventually left. Is that what you were thinking? Because that's a horrible plan." Hyunjin let out a laugh while the other to boys starred at him with blank faces.

"Like you wouldn't have done the same. Let's not forget how shitty of a person you are. You hate on me for no fucking reason constantly starting things just because your a petty fucking shit person. So do you blame me for trying to make you feel like a lonely piece of shit you deserve to be?" jeongin crosses arms and let out a scoff.

"Oh wow, you still think I have no reason for hating your fucking guts? Let me make you remember. Let's see when I see you kissing other boys it makes me wonder, Is that how you used kiss my boyfriend, When he would pick you up from school, or meet you on late nights after fucking me? Is it? Because I'm curious. I would like to know how you managed to be my boyfriends sextoy for so long without realizing that he had a boyfriend. We're you that stupid and desperate for sex? Ha how pathetic you are. I have every right to treat you like the shit human you are. You helplessly sleep around with anyone you can find and you still don't think anyone in our friend group knows. But we do, we all do. They just choose to keep their mouth shut because they all "love you" and "respect your decisions". That almost makes them as pathetic as you. As for me, I'll shame you for it. It's what you deserve. I wonder what he would think if he knew you were sleeping around with other people? Huh should we text him and see?"

He did not just bring up haewoo...
Jeongin did not hesitate to run up to the boy and shove him into the dorm room, locking the door behind them leaving Chan very fucking confused and worried in the hallway. Chan decided just to leave and go take a shower. Although, he was now extremely worried for both boys and how this would settle out, who are they talking about? Is this the reason why they hate each other so much? What are they going to do to eachother? The look in jeongins eyes before he locked the door was terrifying, like no look chan had ever seen. Chan was simply scared for the outcome. So he decided to text jeongin and hyunjin a message that they would see after whatever would happen.

[messaging jeongin]

Bubba, are you ok?

[messaging hyunjin]

Jinnie, is everything alright?


Back in the dorm

Once jeongin shoved the older into the room locking the door he immediately grab the collar of the boys shirt and pinned him against the wall and began screaming in his face. "You think I DIDNT know he was with YOU!? Get your head out of your fucking ass hyunjin, I FUCKING KNEW THE WHOLE TIME! I had to live with the fact that I wasn't the one he wanted to be with, because HE wanted YOU.  He was a fucking manipulater not only to me but to you too! CANT YOU FUCKING SEE THAT?! I don't know if you are still in love with him or whatever but news flash he doesn't love you, he didn't love either of us. And he never will! I stayed with him while he was with you because I was TERRIFIED he would beat me to death if I tried to leave him. And I KNOW he fucking hit you sometimes too because when you went off to collage and broke up with him I had to survive almost A WHOLE FUCKING YEAR in a relationship with him beating me twice as much because YOU weren't fucking there to be his little side punching bag. I want you to fucking look me in the eyes and tell me that you truly believe that fucking man loved you. Because he didn't! And yeah I sleep with people here and there, we all have different coping mechanisms. I went through way more trauma than you will EVER know. So don't you DARE fucking judge ME for the things I do." By the end of that the younger was in tears. Anger? Sadness? Both? Probably. On the other hand hyunjin had started crying as well and was absolutely speechless.

"What are you even crying for. In the end you're the one that always gets the happy endings..." jeongin said wiping his tears and turning around to leave.

"I'm sorry!" Hyunjin yelled out trying to get jeongins attention from leaving.

Jeongin just stopped. But didn't turn around to face him. "You think an apology can make up for what you said? No hyunjin, you were wrong...you're the pathetic one" jeongin then left. Once again leaving hyunjin alone in the dorm.

Hyunjins pov

I really am sorry, god why did I have to speak up. Hyunjin, you are so fucking stupid. He has every right to hate me, I have every right to hate myself, everyone should hate me. Why do I even have friends, I don't deserve anyone. He doesn't deserve this, he never deserved any of it. I am so so sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.  I'm sorry jeongin. I can't take the guilt anymore, I can't take the guilt anymore, the guilt I feel from hating on him just because my toxic ex boyfriend decided to sleep with him too. I can't take the guilt anymore from hating on him because he went to Chan for comfort after last night instead of me. Why would he come to me anyways I've treated him like shit since we met. Why do I even want him to come to me, why do I need validation from him. I just can't take the guilt anymore, from hating on him just because I can't except the fact that I

like him.


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