You jumped over landing on top of it. Kagezora and Kensei sat down in front of you. You smiled a bit seeing the two together. You pulled from your back the koto. Pulling it from the bag.

Placing it down gently.

You licked your fingers and tested each string. Making sure each were tuned properly. With a sigh you began to pluck the strings. Creating a simple melody.

Your hands began to work in unison.

Until you remembered a song your mother used to play. You remembered the way her hands moved until the song began to come out.

The sound was like Sakura leaves that fell gently with the wind. A mysterious kind of harmony. Both your hands worked in unison.

The koto was a fine instrument. Creating a crisp sound that you adored with your entire soul.

You looked up. Thinking you saw Giyū sitting there with a smile. You blinked once and twice. Realising he wasn't there.

You continued playing the soothing melody. When you reached the end of the song. You finished with a sigh.

Your hand reached up to your fallen hair. You had forgotten that you gave away your hair pins. Both to two men who both shared your soul.

You felt a sudden presence sit next to you. Your mother who bared the gracious smile of a Buddha stared over to you. She wore a long kimono that surrounded you like a serpent. Her hair was tied into a tight bun behind her head. In her hair was the crsecent moon hair pin. Her hands slid over the Koto.

"The Tsukuten are well known for out mastery over the Koto and Shamisen. It seems our mastery has passed over to you."

"Well, I am my mother."

She giggled happily. Placing a hand on your head.

"The time gives into two: the night and day. The stars however stay ever present. You my son are like your father. Never giving to sides. Only staying neutral. The only side he took was with the night who was me."

She smiled standing up and walking behind you. She began to braid your hair very gently.

The sun or moon take their sides.

She sang with a gentle tone.

The stars they stay the same.
Harmony and melody in the sky.
Each sing a song.
So silent.
So gentle.
So quiet.
Only the Moon can hear.
Only the Sun can hear.
Burning bright.
Burning light.

She finished her braiding. With her hand she took the star hair pin from her hair. Her hair fell down onto her shoulders. She pulled your braid into a bun. Poking the hair pin through the middle.

It will stay through time.

With a smile she pulled away from your hair. Standing up and sitting next to you.

"Be gentle like the stars. Yet fierce like the sun and bold like the moon. However do not trust the moon."

"But why mother?"

"The moon slaughtered us all. My advice to you my son. Trust the sun. I must be going. You've got to find shelter."

"Thank you mother."

"I love you my son. Take care of yourself."

She disappeared into the air.

Leaving you to think upon her words. Never trust the moon? Well you had something new to think about in the coming years. Along with thinking about where the hell Giyū would be.

 Along with thinking about where the hell Giyū would be

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