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Mingyu strolls along the path provided by nature in the forest, leading into a sole calm river. The sound it makes, music to his ears.

"I knew I'd find you here, hyung." He doesn't look back. Seungkwan sits beside him down in the grass.

"What do you want, Kwan?" He mutters, closing his eyes. His hearing only focusing on the natural noises surrounding him.

"I want peace, hyung. Audrey.. Well, she just doesn't know when to stop I guess. You've made it clear that you didn't like her. I guess I could see now why. She's too persistent.. It makes it seems as if she's obsessed with you, gentle version." They both laugh.

"There is no gentle version of obsession, you idiot." Mingyu just laughs.

"I know, just saying. I mean.. Look at that face, honestly she looks like a fluff ball.. Too innocent and soft looking. But an underlying bitch beneath the surface." Mingyu rolls his eyes, the younger has a point.

"Well, thank you cause you've seen her true colors the hard way. By the way, where's Seokmin?"

"Shopping. You know, pizza." They broke into fits of soft giggles and laughters.

"You still haven't got your memories back, hyung?" Seungkwan puts his head in Mingyu's lap and closes his eyes. Mingyu only sighs.

"Unfortunately, no. But I get flashbacks at very random times. At unnecessary ones at that. I don't know why but I almost always get flashbacks everytime I shit." Seungkwan choked on his spit and cackled. Mingyu hits his forehead.
"I am serious! When I'm doing bathroom business, random flashbacks in my head play at times. Ugh!"

"Well, I guess that's good. But-" He laughs again, clutching his stomach. "Does it really have to be during bathroom business?"

"I know right." He rolls his eyes with a laugh.


"Pizza!" Seokmin calls and Mingyu jumps out of his bed quickly. Seungkwan blasts the living room tv off and sprints to where Seokmin was.

"Gimme some!"

"Help yourselves."

They ate pizza and Mingyu's cabin door knocked. "You expecting someone, brother?" Seokmin looks at Mingyu with puffed out cheeks. Mingyu shakes his head no.

"I'll get it. Sheesh." Seungkwan stands up with a huff and heads towards the door. "No, hyung isn't here. Bye." He slams the door close and locks the bolt.

"Who was that?"

"You daily dose of annoyance." They all rolls their eyes.

"Honestly, I find her seriously annoying now. It's brother time! That little-"

"She won't give up, wouldn't she?" Mingyu shakes his head no at Seungkwan's question.

"It doesn't look like she'll give up soon to me." Seokmin nods.


Hansol walks with his wife's waist in one arm and his sleeping son on his other. Harris makes little noises as he sleeps which makes the two laugh softly.

"Mommy I want a nana." She laughs, caressing his face lightly. Hansol leaned against a marble pillar so he could assist them well.

"You want a banana?" Hansol holds his laughter when Harris nods in his sleep with a small pout.

"I want to eat nana. Yellow sweet nana."

"Okay bud, we'll give you a ripe banana when you wake up." Hansol chuckles and kisses his forehead.

"Yeay. Nana~ nana~.. Sweet yellow nana~.." He hums in his sleep.

"Seriously, why's he so cute?" Hansol scrunched his nose, preventing himself to squish the boy's cheeks.

"Well, he does take after me as a child." Y/N scoffs. "Me is cute."

Hansol just eyes his wife weirdly then laughs, "whatever you say." He smiles then places a soft kiss against her lips.

"Let's go back inside the quarters and put this troublemaker properly to his afternoon nap."

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