Chapter 12: Villain Hunter Vs Hero Hunter

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Stain: ah! am getting tired of you!

Stain than rushes at red hood, but he quickly grabs the knife that red hood took out and licks the blood off it

Red hood: what the-!

Red hood than falls over, not being able to move

Red hood: grr shit! I can't move!

Stain: and now you're going to die!

Stain than grabs out a knife and before he could stab red hood he's suddenly punched into a wall by Tsukki

Tsukki: I thought you said you could handle him

Red hood: well as you can see, I can't move my body!

Tsukki: so a paralyzation quirk?

Red hood: well obviously, but I think it's if he licks your blood

Tsukki: ew...

Red hood: so did you get Iida out of there

Tsukki: yeah I did, so for now let me handle this

Red hood: well good luck, while I try to get out of this damn paralyzation

Tsukki than creates daggers with her moon quirk and rushes at stain

Stain: grr! Just another fake hero!

Stain than grabs out another knife and rushes at Tsukki, with both of them clashing blades

Stain: just die you fake hero!

Stain uppercuts Tsukki and grabs her by the neck, than slamming her in the ground

Stain: now I will get rid of another fake hero!

He than attempts to stab her while she's still on the ground, but she rolls out of the way and kicks stain in the crotch

Stain: ah!!!! You had to go so low and kick me there! You are a fake heroes!

Tsukki: well not my fault you're a boy

She than gets up and blast stain into another wall with her moon quirk

Tsukki: wow some hero hunter you are you can't even kill me, how do you expect to accomplish your goal

Stain than starts to get up

Stain: grr! You're wrong! I can fix this weak society! By killing only all the fake heroes!

Tsukki: wow... even more pathetic, you already broke your own code of only killing fake heroes

Stain: grr! What do you mean by that!

Tsukki: well you crippled ingenium who was a well respected hero that saved many people, so he was definitely not a "fake hero"

Stain: no! He's a fake hero! He doesn't deserve to be alive!

Tsukki: than what's a "true hero"

Stain: allmight is a true hero! He's the only person in this society that's a real hero!

Tsukki: ok I'll admit he's a true hero, but you'd have to be idiot to think he's the only "true hero"

Stain: I've had enough!

Stain than throws his knifes at Tsukki and rushes her, with one of the knifes slicing her cheek

Than he immediately grabs the knife before it falls to the ground and licks the blood from there, making her fall to the ground paralyzed

Stain: now you die fake hero!!!!











Stain: I-... n-no... this... damn... you...

Stain falls down dead to the ground right beside Tsukki, and the affects of the paralyzation on Tsukki immediately disappear from her

Red hood than walks towards the corpse of stain and kneels down to him

Red hood: honestly you should of expected me to come back and shoot you, because did you honestly expect that you could be free after paralyzing me, oh boy! You were DEAD wrong! And especially when you try to hurt someone special to me, right in front of my face! It doesn't matter who you are! I WILL KILL YOU! Tho this battle between a villain hunter and a hero hunter was fun! And this also gives me a new quirk which is nice, so this vengeance is quite beneficial for me

Red hood: tho am not gonna stop being serious for a second and say that this is starting to get kinda weird talking to a corpse, but oh well! Who am I to complain about this

Tsukki: yeah you're kinda weird...

Red hood: well not my fault I have to murder so many villain

Tsukki: well technically it is your fault for killing all those villains willingly...

Red hood: actually it's more like a life style

Tsukki: I lose brain cells every time I talk to you...

Red hood: oh I know you love me, haha~

Tsukki: y-yeah no

Red hood: well that hurts, I still care about you even if you sold me out to the heroes

Tsukki: well what do you expect me to do after you threaten to explode the whole stadium!

Red hood: eh fair enough, but I wasn't actually gonna do it

Tsukki: yeah, but still...

Red hood: well am gonna go now, so are you gonna try and capture me

Tsukki: well I could, but I know that I have no chance against you and plus I don't really want to right now

Red hood: well I will take that as my leave-

Ice than starts to surround red hood

Red hood: you know todoroki, you're getting on my nerves now

Todoroki: well midoriya you're technically a villain, so I have to turn you in

Red hood: well first off am not a villain am the villain hunter, so there's a difference and...

The ice around respect hood than explodes, with red smoke pouring out everywhere

Red hood: you never learn do you~

As the smoke clears it shows no signs of red hood ever being there

This chapter took so long! Honestly I should of made this into two parts, but I didn't and now am exhausted, so I hoped you liked this chapter and bye 👋

Red vengeanceOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz