Chapter 17: UA PART 1

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Narrators POV

Izuku gives Nezu a death stare striking a bit of fear

Izuku: okay so you're the principal... why are you here? And how did I get here?

Nezu: I want to make you a proposition! And how you got here... well...

Aizawa: we got a call from a mysterious source about your whereabouts and when we got there we found this note by your side

He hands Izuku a note

I must say we had one hell of a fight and if you're wondering, I'm not gonna come after you or Eri because I don't trust my client since he almost tricked me into almost killing you who's a kid and that goes against my "morals" but this is farewell and may we meet on the battlefield when you're older

P.S seriously kid why the hell did you want me to kill you, you're young get some damn therapy

Izuku: wow... how Ironic... wait what about my children Eri And Kota!?

Aizawa: well we found your home in the woods while you were knocked out here and we took Eri and Kota to a safe place

Izuku: that's good, so are they gonna be ado-

Aizawa: well Kota has a family member who has been looking for him for a while so she decided to adopt him

Izuku: and Eri?

Aizawa: well she had no family we could find at least so I've decided to adopt her...

Izuku: oh that's good so tell me the offer

Nezu: oh yes! we want to enroll you into UA instead of you possibly serving a life sentence or being executed to death!

Izuku: okay I'll agree, but where will I live?

Aizawa: don't you have any family?

Izuku: well if you looked at my file you would see my mom is dead... and I don't have any other relatives other than my dad, but I don't fucking know where he fucking is...

Nezu: hmm... well I have a solution!

Izuku: hmm? What would that be?

Nezu: how about Aizawa adopts you!

Aizawa: wait what! I already have Eri to deal with! Plus do you want me to deal with this problem child!

Izuku: hey I'm not a fucking problem child! And I would love to see my daughter!

Aizawa: well technically am her legal fa-

Izuku: oh fuck that! I don't care if you legally adopted her! She'll always be my daughter!

Aizawa: thoughts* oh god why is this happening...

Nezu: well your answer Aizawa?

Aizawa: as much as I hate to say it... you're right Eri probably looks up to you more as a father figure than me, so by separating Eri from you...

Aizawa: would probably just make her sad, so if you want I'll adopt you...

Izuku: hmm... I'll accept being adopted by you, only to see my daughter

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