Chapter 27: Provisional License PART 1

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Narrators POV

Class 1-a is in a bus driving to the place where they'll possibly get their provisional license. Izuku is sitting down by Todoroki noticing that he's a little pissed.

Izuku: why the fuck do you look pissed?

Todoroki: well after my father got out of jail, he's been trying to be a "better dad"...

Izuku: well that sounds like bullshit!

Todoroki: I know it is, and it's annoying because now he's trying to spend "quality time" with us...

Izuku: god damn, Endewhore is damn annoying...

Todoroki: he is, but at least he's try even though it's only because you beat his ass...

Izuku: well I could always fucking do it again!

Todoroki: well don't do that... at least not now...

Izuku: okay than...

As the bus arrives to their destination

Kaminari: finally time to get our license!!

He's stopped by Aizawa

Aizawa: don't underestimate the exams, at the state you're at currently in their eyes you're just little chicks who barely know how to walk

Aizawa: except Izuku, he might as well be a full on pro hero at this exact point...

Kaminari: hey! Why does he get praise!

Aizawa: that's because he's the infamous Villain Hunter, who's killed many villains at his age...

Kaminari: well I guess that makes sense...

Izuku: yeah... and you better know it...

The human pikachu gets slightly scared

Aizawa: well anyways, just don't underestimate these exams-

Before anything else, a man with a buzz cut walks up to them and bows down, hitting his head down onto the ground making it slightly bleed

???: it's a pleasure meeting students from UA!!!! My name is Inasa Yoarashi!!!!

The students just look at this student

Bakugo: wait a minute!! He's wearing a uniform from Shiketsu!!!!

They look at his cap having a "S" symbol on it

Izuku: oh interesting, you're from a pretty good school, that means you should be pretty powerful...

Izuku: so this should be a... nice battle...

Inasa: woah! The Villain Hunter said I look pretty powerful!! I feel confident!!

Izuku: well just because I said it doesn't mean you're actually fucking powerful...

A couple of other Shiketsu students walk up to behind Inasa, as a student with a lot of hair surrounding his body talks to Inasa

???: yes, just because he said you're powerful, doesn't mean you can't improve, so don't grow a big ego...

Inasa: oh yes! I'm sorry!

He bows down again, as more blood pours from his head and a girl from Shiketsu looks at Inasa

???: oh blood...

Izuku looks at this girl and gets a strange feeling or presence you could say from her

Izuku: thoughts* something is off about her...

He gets a tap on the shoulder from Tsukki

Tsukki: is something wrong?

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