Chapter 38: Nabu Island Raid PART 1

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Narrators POV

Red hood and all the other heroes walk towards a dock that has 3 boats and a helicopter

Red hood: time to kill some ripoff plague doctors!

Tsukki who was besides him turns her head towards him

Tsukki: no killing

Red hood: fine, but either way we should do something after this

Tsukki: huh?

Red hood: yeah, like go to a cafe

Tsukki: are you asking me out on a d-date?

Red hood: sure you can perceive as that, but only if you want to though~

He walks away as she starts to blush a bit. Red hood walks towards the helicopter and boards it, as it starts to take off into the air.

Aizawa: Izuku, once we're dropped off we're going to have to sneak in and take out the guards stealthily, so we can get the drop on the people that are holding the hostages

Red hood: okay, so I guess guns are out of the option since I don't have suppressors...

Hawks suddenly flies besides them

Hawks: sorry for being late!

They all fly towards Nabu Island as they stop a little far away

Red hood: why the hell are we stopping?

Edgeshot: now we're going to swim there, so they don't spot the helicopter

Red hood: wait what!

Edgeshot and Aizawa jump off the helicopter, landing into the ocean and they start to swim towards the Island

Hawk: well I'm going to still fly there, but secretly!

He flies away as Red hood looks down onto the water

Red hood: well time to fucking swim...

He jumps into the water and swims to the Island, but in his tracks is a huge stone wall

Red hood: the hell are we supposed to get over this

Edgeshot: with these

He grows him a grappling gun

Red hood: oh shit, hehehe this looks awesome

All 3 of them shoot their grappling guns and they climb up the wall. When they get to the top, they see Hawks take out all the guards already.

Red hood: really! I wanted to beat the guards up!

Hawk: jeez calm your tits, there's more guards around

Red hood: okay, than leave those people to me!

Hawks flies away, while they drop down onto the other side of the wall as they land into a forest

Aizawa: there's probably some guards stationed around here...

Edgeshot: I'll scout around

He rushes into the forest, as they slowly follow after him. Edgeshot eventually does find a random guard and uses his quirk to knock them out, 2 more guards appear, but 1 of them gets hit by a shuriken and punched by Red hood who knocks them out. The other guard is wrapped in a cloth by Aizawa and gets kicked in the face as they're knocked out.

Red hood: that was fucking easy

Edgeshot: I hear 5 more guards coming

And like he said, 5 more guards came trying to attack them. Aizawa wraps his scarf around 1 of them and knocks them out, as Edgeshot kicks 1 of them down to the ground and also knocks them out. Red hood retracts his arm blades and rushes at the last 2 guards, slicing both of their chest than punching them, he than kicks 1 of them knocking them out while he punches the other 1 again as they also pass out cold.

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