Chapter 17

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Bruce begrudgingly got dressed for his charity ball. He had been searching for Roshia and Sariel for weeks now. Time had blended together he could barely remember what day it was.

He didn't want to stop searching, but he couldn't afford to miss this ball. When he arrived at the ball, he put on a brave face. Behind the mask was worry and regret so much he didn't notice danger until it was too late.

Highly trained mercenaries had blocked every exit and silenced the room. The leader walked up to Bruce Wayne with a stoic expression.

"Roshia Saunet. Where is she?" He asked, placing his gun against Bruce's stomach.

"Don't you guys have her?" Bruce asked, confused.

"Just her daughter, she went into hiding. And since you don't know we have no further use for you" the mercenary said, placing the gun to Bruce's head. Seconds after he did this, the glass skylight shattered.

Standing surrounded by broken glass was a furious-looking Dancer. Without hesitation, she pulled out her bow and launched an arrow into the leader's neck. Absolute precision paralyzed him without being lethal.

Bruce never saw Dancer this ruthless, it concerned him greatly. Dancer with grace and speed danced and the illusion she created of arrows flowing from her dance showed she wasn't playing around. Once every mercenary was down. She walked towards the leader and picked up his limp body.

"Why did you target Bruce Wayne!" She screamed, shaking him.

"We are looking for Roshia Saunet" he said the mercenary was scared.

"Bruce Wayne is off limits." She said harshly then took a deep breath. "Where is Sariel Saunet'' she growled. Her very demeanor was that of a grizzly bear.

The mercenary was terrified Dancer looked like she was about to kill. "Warehouse 15, shipping container 45, by the harbor" the mercenary said.

Dancer gave him a smile and healed the mercenary's injuries. She walked over to Bruce with a look of concern. A familiarity in her gaze tugged at Bruce's heart.

"Did they hurt you?" She asked softly, her blond hair swaying in the wind that now passed through the room.

"No," Bruce said, her eyes captivating him. "Why am I off limits?" He asked carefully.

"Cause I didn't die for nothing." She said with a smile before spreading her wings.

"Rossy?" Bruce said instantly he couldn't believe the words coming out of his mouth.

She smiled at him, a sad smile "not anymore" then took to the skies above off to find Sariel.

Bruce wasn't as surprised as he should have been. Dancer had told Batman that she had died once, Bruce just hopped deep down that she wasn't Rossy. He couldn't imagine the weak child who died so he could live would be forced to come back to the hardships of life.

Bruce left the ball quickly. Thanks to Dancer, he knew where Sariel was. It was time for the little girl to come home.

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