Blake joined Amelie in a bright red blush and shyly nodded his head. Amelie turned and gave him a sweet kiss, causing Dixie to squeal, "You guys are so cute!" They all laughed and smiled, as they continued to walk down the roads.

Dixie intertwined her arm around Noah and leaned closer to him as they walked. Noah kissed her head and smiled down at her. She wasn't paying attention to him, instead listening to Amelie and Blake tell a story, as he lovingly admired her.

Her smile was so beautiful and bright, just seeing her so happy made Noah feel complete. They walked together and Dixie held on tightly to his hand, staying attached to his hip.

She looked at their fingers and began rubbing their rings. She looked back up at Noah to find he was already looking at her. She blushed and squeezed his hand, "Forever." Noah kissed her lips gently and held his forehead to hers. He whispered, "and Always."


They made their way back to their respective cars and said their goodbyes. Dixie and Amelie hugged and made plans to hang out again soon.

They got in their cars and Dixie turned on the music, playing her "Love Songs" playlist. Dixie waited for Noah to start the car but he didn't.

She turned to see him staring at her instead. She blushed, "What?" Noah stared for another moment and then smiled warmly, "You're just beautiful."

She blushed at his words, "You," she leaned over and kissed him, "will forever be my favorite person." Noah stared into her eyes and smiled.

But then he suddenly turned away, facing straight forward, and sighed, "Wish I could say the same." Dixie sat back and stared at him confused, "What?"

Noah turned on the car and began backing up, "Well after our children are born, how am I supposed to choose between you and them?"

Dixie's heart exploded and she couldn't stop a huge smile from forming. After a moment of blushing, she sat up and turned down the music, "Children huh? So we're going to have more than one?"

Noah nodded along, "Oh yeah! A boy and two girls, maybe more depending on where life takes us." Dixie joined him in discussing their future plans, "You can teach them to play soccer and I can talk to them about their friendships. And every morning we can make breakfast and eat together around the table."

"And every night we can read them bedtime stories and tuck them each in." "And then, we can fall asleep thinking about our amazing children and the amazing life we've built together." Noah stroked Dixie's hair and smiled, "That sounds perfect."

They spent the rest of the car ride talking about what their future could look like, almost like it was a game. Yet, it was much better than a fun roleplay game because they knew one day it would all be real.

They made it to Dixie's dorm room and she was rather sleepy, but she loved the conversation they were having. They got ready for bed and cuddled up with each other as they continued. Noah held her in his arms and twirled her hair as she was slowly drifting off to sleep.

He spoke softly into her ear, talking her to sleep, "We can move back home with everybody. We can get a cute suburban home just like the ones we grew up in, and raise our own family there."

He continued, "We can have lots of pets, and our kids will be close with all of our family. Addison and you will be sisters-in-law, and she'll be the aunt of your children. Do you think we should name our daughter after her?"

Noah was joking of course, and he didn't expect Dixie to answer as he assumed she was asleep, and he was right. He saw her eyes shut and heard her quiet snores. He admired her again, his future bride sleeping peacefully in his arms.

He kissed her on her cheek, being careful not to wake her, and pulled her closer to rest his head on hers. "Goodnight baby, I love you." He closed his eyes and relaxed.

"Goodnight Bub. And we can't do that, I've already got the names picked out."


hey bubs! <3

Imagine hearing someone talk to you like that though ugh I'd die. Anyway I think it's pretty obvious that in this book, Doah is Forever!! (word count- 1391)

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