25) The Suprise Visit

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(mentions alcohol, one f word, implied smut)

October 17th (Noah and Addison's birthday)

"Noah just texted me again." Addison laughed, "Cause he's obsessed with you." Dixie playfully rolled her eyes and blushed. "I hate that I'm lying to him." "Well, it will be worth it!"

They were less than an hour away from UCLA at this point and Addison and Dixie had thoroughly enjoyed their road trip. They played games and talked about lots of things, including boys. But as their distance grew shorter Dixie and Addison could feel themselves becoming more and more nervoucited to see Noah.

Dixie had Noah believing she was sitting at the DMV with Charli when in reality she was 30 minutes away from his bedroom. She couldn't wait to see him again, her stomach was filled with butterflies. She thought back to a few months ago when Addison and Dixie were driving to the airport to bring him home for the summer.

She couldn't believe how much had changed in such a short time. Back then she was nervous to see her best friend's brother but this time, she was nervous to see her soulmate, her other half, her boyfriend. Dixie was becoming antsier with anticipation as every minute passed.

Until they pulled into the dorm building parking lot. Noah told Dixie he was out with some friends, so the plan was for them to surprise him inside his dorm room. Addison had to work some magic, but she was able to convince a staff member to let her into his room. Now, they wait.

Noah was coming back from hanging with his teammates. They had gone out to a pizza place and discussed the plans they had for Noah's birthday. Since he was turning 21, the boys were dragging him to a local bar and he was going to try all the different types of alcohol.

He wished he could be with Dixie and his sister. He had never had a birthday without either of them, truthfully. Though, Dixie was usually just there as Addison's guest and they didn't even always speak with each other. But Addison, he was always with her on their special day.

He unlocked his door and sighed. He tossed the keys on a table and switched on the lights. As he turned around to walk towards his bed he let out an audible gasp. "Oh my god, Addi!" She was standing in front of him and he almost didn't believe she was there.

He ran towards her and gave her a big bear hug. "What are you doing here?!" She loudly giggled, "Did you really think I was gonna let you ditch me on our birthday?" Noah swayed her whole body back and forth, "Ah I missed you so much!" After they let go of their hug they talked for a few more moments.

"Uh, I'm so glad you're here..." Noah quickly became nervous and felt guilty asking, but Addison could tell he was wondering if Dixie had come with her. She tried her hardest not to crack a smile, "Are you kidding me? Am I not enough for you?" Noah shook his head, "No-no it's not like that-" "Come on Noah!" She just stared at his sorry expression with a look of disgust on her face before beginning to cackle. "Just turn around, dufus."

Noah quickly swiveled and immediately beamed at the sight of his girl. He lunged at her, his smile growing bigger and bigger, and wrapped his arms around her tiny waist. He engulfed her in a giant hug and spun her around multiple times as she wrapped her legs around his torso.

Dixie giggled and squeezed him as tight as she could, "I missed you!" Noah yelled a muffled "I missed you more!" into Dixie's shoulder.

They stayed hugging for a while just squeezing each other and remembering how it felt to be in one another's arms. "I love you!" "I love you too. Happy birthday!" Noah lowered Dixie and she puts her legs back on the ground. He held onto her waist as she placed her arms around his neck. Noah looked into Dixie's eyes, "Best present ever."

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