10) Sleepover

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Light Smut Warning

10:45 pm

The party had died down and most people had left. Dixie Noah, Addi, Charli, and Avani were the only ones left. Charli walked up to Dixie who was beginning to clean up. "I'm gonna spend the night at Avani's!" Dixie continues to throw cans in the trash bag. "Wow, on my birthday. How rude" "Yeah whatever," She skips away and Dixie laughs. Charli comes downstairs a few minutes later with a stuffed bag and she and Avani scamper out the door.

Addison walks into Dixie's bedroom where she is cleaning up. "Hey babes! I'm gonna go home now, I'd stay but I've got to babysit tomorrow morning." She rolls her eyes and Dixie giggles. "Ok adds! See you later!" They share a hug as Noah walks into the room. "I'm going home see ya in the morning," Addison nags as she walks past Noah into the hall. Noah nods and watches her walk to the front door. He closes Dixie's door and locks it. He turns around and stares at Dixie. She smiles and lets out a sigh of relief. 

Noah walks over to Dixie and tosses the bag he came in with on the bed. Dixie meets him halfway, in front of her bed. She grabs hold of his neck and kisses him. He cups her face in his hands and kisses her back passionately. They pull away and smile, before taking a seat at the edge of Dixie's bed. 

"Thank you for my present, it was really sweet." Dixie blushes and holds his cheek. "Well if you think that was sweet..." He reaches behind him and places a white bag in her lap. She looks up at him, seeing his bright smile and puppy eyes. "Noah, you didn't have to-"

"But I wanted to!" Dixie smiles and gives him a kiss. "Now open it!" Dixie takes out the tissue paper and peers into the bag. She gasps and a huge grin appears on her face. She pulls out a small stuffed cow. "Oh my god!" Dixie's heart melts as she checks out the toy animal. "Noah! This is adorable!" Noah watches as she looks at the cow. He loved that he was responsible for the joyous look on her face. "I was talking to Charli one day, and she told me that you loved stuffed animals. She said that sometimes when you're stressed you still sleep with your childhood bear. So I thought I'd get you this." He puts his hand on her thigh and looks into her eyes. "So, whenever you get anxious you can grab this cow, hug it and pretend I'm there with you." 

Dixie's soft expression and full smile makes Noah's heart flutter. She reaches for his cheek with one hand and gently kisses him. He kisses her back, becoming more aggressive with each moment. Dixie moves the stuffed animal away from her lap and climbs onto Noah. They break apart from their intense kiss and stare deeply into each other's eyes. Dixie smiles cheekily, and they both know what's about to happen. 

Noah lays down on her bed and she positions herself on top of him. They continue to kiss as Noah caresses her hips, slowly moving her shirt up to reveal her chest. He begins to see her bra, "You sure you wanna do this?" Dixie hums in his ear as she kisses his neck. Dixie lifts her arms and Noah pulls her shirt off. He kisses her neck and moves down to her chest. Dixie rolls over and Noah jumps on top of her. She smirks and slips his shirt off. 

They look into each other's eyes. They were entering a new level of their relationship, and they wouldn't be able to go back. But they didn't want to, they were excited to become so much closer, and get to know each other on such an intimate level.

That night Dixie and Noah fell asleep cuddling, with smiles plastered on their faces. In that moment, they weren't worried about anyone else, it felt as if they were the only two people in the world. 


July 24th (45 days left of Summer)

Noah had woken up before Dixie. He stayed cuddling her as he watched her sleep, breathing in and out. She's so beautiful, he thought to himself. He opened his phone to see it was already 11:00 am. He sat up and stretched, then grabbed his clothes from around the room and put them back on. Suddenly, he heard the door open and Charli saying goodbye to somebody. Noah's heart began to race and he started to wake Dixie.

She looked so peaceful, and he didn't want to ruin it. He carefully shook her awake. "Hey? Hey Dixie.." She slowly opened her eyes and smiled at the sight of him. He whispered, "Charli's here!" Dixie immediately sat up, "Oh shoot!" she hops out of bed before remembering she has no clothes on. "Oh whoops," They both giggle, and Dixie puts on her robe. They hear Charli running up the steps and Noah runs into Dixie's bathroom. He closes the door in the nick of time, and Charli bursts through the door.

"I'm back! Oh, I was expecting you to be asleep." Dixie smiles at her, but inside she's terrified. "Oh uh, yeah I set an alarm so I could go to the beach." "Ooh, awesome! Can I come?" Dixie stares blankly at her, "Uh, ok sure!" "Great! let me just get my sunscreen I left it in your bathroom." She starts heading for Dixie's bathroom.

'WAIT!" Charli turns around and stares at her. "What?" "I just realized I don't have a swimsuit, can you go get me one of yours. "Ok sure." Charli walks out of Dixie's bedroom and into hers. Dixie runs into the bathroom, grabs the sunscreen, and runs back out. (But not without a quick kiss from Noah, of course!) Charli skips back in and trades the swimsuit for her sunscreen. "K I'm gonna go shower!" She leaves, and a few moments later Dixie hears the water start running.

Dixie heaves a giant sigh of relief. She turns around as Noah slowly cranks open the door. "We gotta tell them..." Dixie crosses her arms, "I know..." She walks out and checks to make sure Chari is in the shower before motioning for Noah to leave. He makes it out the door without being caught and drives back to his house.

Noah walked in from the garage and spotted Addison on the couch. She turns to him and laughs, "Where were you so early?" Noah walks into the kitchen trying to hide his scared face, "Uh, just went for a walk." "But you took your car.." "Right, well I-uh, I drove to the park and walked there." Addison is puzzled, "Okay... what time did you get back last night?" Noah thinks for a moment, "I don't know, pretty late. You were already asleep." Addison stays quiet, she's thinking about what he's telling her. I never heard him come in, but I didn't fall asleep until like 1:00 am. Is he hiding something from me?

Nonetheless, Noah was being secretive and she was determined to find out why.


hey bubs! <3

Sorry, lol I don't feel comfortable doing too much smut. I did a little though ig. Haha anyway hope you enjoyed this chapter but I'll warn you, there's drama coming soon! BONUS What should Dixie name her cow? If I pick your name I'll give you a shoutout! (word count- 1262)

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