18) Long Distance?

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"Is everything ok?" Noah started to get a little worried and sat up straight on the bed. "No, everything is fine! Why don't you go first? How was your talk with my dad?" asked Dixie through gritted teeth. "It went surprisingly well." "Really?!" "Yeah, he just said he wishes we would've told him but he understand why we didn't. And uh, he approves of me dating you." Dixie smiled and immediately calmed down, she was glad her dad wasn't harsh on Noah. She wrapped her arms around his neck and looked straight into his eyes.

"That's everyone then. Everyone knows, everyone's okay with it." Noah nodded back and smiled. "So what now?" He asked slightly cheekily, and Dixie knew what he was insinuating but her mind was in a different place. She let out a heavy sigh and her eyes became worried.

Noah quickly changed his thoughts and pulled her to a more comfortable position on the bed. "What's wrong?" "Uh. I just think we should talk about something." She felt him becoming anxious, "Don't worry, it's not too bad. I just... I realized earlier that you're leaving soon..." Noah sighed and hugged Dixie by the side, squeezing her shoulders. They just hugged for a few moments, Noah's comforting arms relaxing Dixie slightly.

"So what exactly are you worried about?" Dixie thought for a moment, "I guess I just don't know what you want." Noah looked at her in his arms and couldn't help but smile. She was holding his hand and playing with his fingers. Her eyes were nervous and she was trying to hide a fearful frown. She was beautiful, he could stare at her for hours and never get bored. He was completely head over heels in love with her. Holding her in his arms felt perfect, it felt right. He knew she was his forever.

"I want you. Forever and always. No matter where I am, I just want to know I have you." Dixie turned up to meet his eyes, and seeing the love in his eyes made her melt. She stared at him for what felt like forever just admiring his face as he admired hers. She broke the silence.

"You have me." They shared a gentle, delicate kiss and then continued to stare at each other. Noah couldn't help but kiss her again, and again. They shared small, sweet kisses in between staring at each other.

Knock, knock. "Hey guys, I don't wanna come in. But we're all gonna watch a movie outside so you guys need to come out. Put your clothes back on first though." Dixie yelled at her, "Go away, Char!" Charli scampered away and laughed at her joke while Dixie rolled her eyes and looked back at Noah. He looked at her and burst into laughter, quickly followed by Dixie. "Guess we better get used to that." Dixie giggled, "Guess so." She tilted her head to the door and they both started getting up.

Noah started to turn the doorknob before Dixie shouted, "Wait! Wait!" He turned to see her running towards him. She planted a kiss on his cheek and smiled at him. "Now we can go." Noah blushed and kissed her again before opening the door.

They made their way outside to see a screen set up with a movie Addison has been begging everyone to watch with her projected onto it. Everybody was either sitting on blankets waiting to start or gathering snacks before doing the same. Noah grabbed some popcorn while Dixie found a blanket for both of them to sit at.

After a few minutes of Dixie talking to Addison, the others had all made their way to a seat and they began playing the movie. Noah cuddled up to Dixie and laid his head on her stomach. Dixie was so tired, she had barely been sleeping she was so concerned about fixing things with everybody. But now that everything was just perfect, and she was lying there with the love of her life, she peacefully drifted to sleep. 


The next month went by like a fairytale. Dixie and Noah spent all the time they could together, and Dixie made sure to spend extra time with Charli and Addison as well to make up for all the lying and sneaking around. They all hung out as they usually would, with a little bit of PDA here and there from Dixie and Noah. They tried to keep it to a minimum, they didn't want to make Charli and Addison uncomfortable or upset. 

But they were especially careful not to do anything more than sitting next to each other when their parents were around. It was still kind of awkward between all of them since Charli's little leak of information in Hawaii. Amy and Heidi eventually became very supportive and loved their relationship. They thought it was sweet, their children in love, but the dad's were still having a bit of trouble. Dixie was very uncomfortable when she was alone with her dad, or any of the four of them really. But it was becoming easier and easier each day.

The dreaded day had come, Noah's last night in Los Angeles. Dixie was sad, she knew she was going to miss him.  They had never gone more than 2 weeks without seeing each other since they got together.  But Noah wouldn't be coming back until Thanksgiving break, over 2 months later. It hadn't really sunk in, though. She was worried Noah would leave before she realized he was really gone, and that she wouldn't be able to truly appreciate him before he leaves. She made sure she was going to savor every moment they had together for the next 24 hours until he boarded the plane. 

Dixie was chilling on her bed on her phone when Noah came in the door. He finished talking to Charli down the hall before closing the door and leaning on it. His eyes met Dixie and he sighed, a smirk growing on his face. He walked to the edge of the bed while Dixie crawled to meet him. She stood on her knees as he wrapped his arms around her waist and began kissing her tenderly.  

"Oh, shit!" Noah stops kissing Dixie and walks back to the door. Dixie's face turns annoyed, but quickly transitions into a smile as she rolls her eyes at him. He had just forgotten to lock the door. He turns and runs toward her, knocking her off her knees and straight onto the bed. She giggles and begins to kiss him passionately.

Dixie's family was downstairs, but she didn't care. All she cared about was being with her man, holding him, and pleasing him in a way she knew no one else could. He wanted the same, he didn't want to leave for school but he knew he had to. But he was going to make sure he called her every day. He didn't want to miss anything going on in her life, he wanted to pretend he was still with her, he wanted to know she would always be there, he wanted her. Forever and always.


hey bubs! <3

Sorry, I kind of combined a whole month into one chapter lol. But I gave y'all some really cute moments to make up for it, and for missing 2 days. Lol again sorry! (word count- 1236)

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