Emiliza nods her head in understanding. She pokes a wooden block a fews times to stale her answer. After a few more pleading looks from Mirana, she finally gives in, "Alright Mirana."

Mirana hops up in pure joy. The smile she shows is so bright. Just claps her hands and cheers. Emiliza just watches her with pure fondness. Fondness, that she made this reaction in her young friend.

When Mirana finally settles down, she says the words she'll one day regret, "Okay, Emili. I give you permission." 



The scene whirls away again. I continue to see black and white shapes swirling until a new scene presents itself.

We're in a new room now, but still in a part of the castle. It looks to be the throne room like present Mirana has. The throne room I once went to when I went back in time. After a few seconds of quiet, I start to hear running heals against the marble flooring. Then, Mirana appears. Not young or present Mariana though.

"Younger then the present, but older then the young," Emiliza answers in my head.

That reminds me of the time I tried to explain myself to Hatter, when I went back in time. Oh the Hatter, I hope he's alright.

"Don't worry, dear. Will get to him soon enough~"

Before I could question her comment, past Mirana shouts, "Please! Stop!" She falls to the ground and holds her hands up. Blocking herself from a strike she presumes will happen.

Then a man comes into the room. A man that reminds me a lot like present Emiliza. He has short grayed hair that looks like it once was blond. He has red eyes and black veined under eyes. He's wearing all black and his smile is maddening.

"Mirana. Mirana. Mirana. Little Princess, Mirana." He walks closer to her until he's in her personal space. She tries to crawl away, but the man kicks her in the side. I hear her wale out in pain.

I try to move to stop him, but remember I'm only seeing the memory, not being apart of it. "Please! Stop this. I'll give you anything you want!"

He grabs her hair and lift her up. He whispers a uncomfortably, shilling whisper into her ear, "But you already gave what I want away."

Mirana eyes widen. Mine do too. He's talking about the permission into her mind. The permission he already gave Emiliza. He throws her hard against the ground. Mirana curls herself into a ball and begins to cry.

"You, my dear white toothed Mirana have given away something I should of got. I should of taken. Now that you are next in line, my sister is the one that has what I should have taken." What he said was really confusing, but what I did clearly understand was the word sister.

He's Emiliza's sister.

"Yes, Alice. Your getting it. Your getting it," present Emiliza says into my mind.

"Stop, Ericiza!" That wasn't present Emiliza though. It was past Emiliza. She looks more like her present self now, but  instead of the dark clothing, hair, and veins, she match's Mirana. She wears another lilac dress and her hair is down. She has a few scratches on her arms that are no longer covered. It looks like the arms of her dress were ripped off.

Past Emiliza stomps into the room and flicks her wrist. The dark dressed man, who I now presume is Ericiza, gets flown across the room. She runs over to Mirana and starts to lift her onto her feet. She whispers something into her ear, but I can't hear it. Mirana freezes and shakes her head rapidly.

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