Something I Want Back

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I feel like I've just been knocked over by the bandersnatch. I have a searing headache. I go to rub my head, but I can't move my arms. But nothings holding me down. Why can't I move them? That's when I remember.

Black witch.


Blood, so much blood.

Hatters eyes. Those eyes. Painful eyes.

Mirana's dress.

Painting the roses red.

Permission. Permission. Permission.

I open my eyes. But opening my eyes just gives me more of a headache. All the walls, ceilings, and floors are black and white. All squares, no windows. I looks down and even my blue dress has changed. I'm now dressed in the same fluffed out dress, but it's pure black.


"I know. It is a headache of a place isn't it?" I whip my head around to see Emiliza. She's right next to me standing and looking around the room. "You see, Alice. This is my world. WELCOME TO IT!" She steps around me so she could be in front. "I made this for myself so I could stop hearing the thoughts of others..." She put herself here? But why? "I'll answer that question in due time-" Did she just? "YES! Now the sooner you understand, I can read your thoughts, the sooner we can have our fun."

Emiliza grows a unnaturally, wicked smile and walks over to me. She bends down and gets into my personal space. She's always trying to get so close to me. She gently takes a strand of my hair and twirls it around her dainty finger. "He's right, your hair is soft." Who's right? "I'll answer that question later too. First, I should make you understand why you are here, and why this is all happening."

"I don't want to understand. I want to be let free."

She stops her twirling and lets her eyes become red. It's then I realize her eyes were originally bright green."It doesn't matter what you want pretty, Alice you. Alice. Alice..." She stalls for a second. She must of gotten corrupted by the madness. She eventually shakes her head then continues, "What does matter, is what I want. Lack of a better word, what I want back to me."

"What do you what back?"

She freezes completely. Blinks a few times then stands up and lets go of the strand of my hair she was twirling. "Something, I didn't realize I would miss so much one day. Something, that I've let go of long ago but very much want back."

That didn't answer my question at all, and I said it to her as so because I knew she would just read my thoughts if I didn't. Emiliza began to pace back and worth while continuing, "You see beautiful, Alice. Mirana gave me permission into her thoughts long, long ago. So I have the ability to read all thoughts, thinks, and thanks of the people of Underland. I have this ability because she rules over all of them. Thanks to you, of course."

She smiles tightly when she says her thanks to me. She must be talking about when I killed the Red Queen's jabberwocky and restored Underland back to Mirana. She must of thought the awkward silence was long enough because then she continued, "And with that, I got the information I always needed. Like how to let myself out of here-"

"But didn't you just say you made this place for yourself?" Emiliza stops pacing. I know it's rude to interrupt someone. But I couldn't keep my tongue from stopping.

Luckily Emiliza didn't care, "I did, yes. But the darkness outlays the light now, you see. And I want out. I want him back. Back. Back..."

Then I ask the question I will soon regret, "Who back?"

She smiles a wicked smile again and answers darkly, "Let me show you." Before I have time to react, she slides onto her knees to get to me and puts her hands to my forehead. My eyes go wide and I stare at the crossed over ceiling. I feel myself get closer to it. So close until...

I see it.

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