Broken Doll

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After a long and restless journey, we've finally arrived back to Mirana's castle. We return with Ericiza inside the box, and ready to commence our plan. We just need to hope Emiliza won't recognize the box.

As we all step in the middle of the throne room, we look around to see no one is around. Where is everyone? Then we hear little shoes running against the white, marble flooring. We look to the doorway, in the direction of the sound, and see Queen Mirana and the Tweedle brothers appear.

"My champions have returned!" Mirana shouts. The three of them run to us with bright smiles on their faces. Each of us get kisses on the head from Mirana and bone crushing hugs from the Tweedles. Remember there is two of them so I'll probably be in pain for awhile.

Once when we were younger, I let Tweedle Dee sit on my lap. Never again. I couldn't walk for weeks!

Mirana greets me last, "Oh, Hatter." She kisses me on the forehead and rubs her dark lipstick off after with her thumb. I grow a slight smile and she graciously returns one of her own. White teeth and all. It's feels so good to be back.

She then looks down into my hands and her smile disappears then she backs up frightened by what I have in my hands. In my hands is the box holding Ericiza. The box he to easily agreed to be put in. "Is that," She points at the box and stops her question short.

I nod my head and Mallymkun decides to vocally answer, "Yup. He's in there alright."

It's at this moment I realize I can finally ask my question. The question Mirana maybe the only one able to answer. "Mirana, your majesty, why does Ericiza hate Emiliza?"

Mirana's eyes go wide and she looks flushed. She may have very pale skin, but some how she became paler with my question. She clears her throat then decides to answer in her own way, "It was a long time ago, Hatter. You must understand I don't like to relive the past, when I decide to live for the future."

I nod my head and leave it at that.

Chessur wisps his way into our space and looks around the castle. "When do you think-" But he was never able to finish his question.

A familiar bright light appears in the middle of the room. We all back up because we know what's about to arrive. We all know who's about to arrive. After a few seconds, the light disappears and there they are.

Emiliza and Alice.

I look right to Alice out of the pair. Maybe it was an unconscious reaction because the first person I always look for in a room is Alice, or maybe it's because I rather never see Emiliza for the rest of my life. When I look at Alice, she's on her knees facing the ground. Exactly how I saw her three days ago when Emiliza forced her to not more. It's almost like she never left but was just invisible.

Theres something wrong though. I don't feel the familiar, familiarness of Alice. I don't see the muchness and determination always set in her eyes. She looks... broken. Broken like a glass doll. A doll thats done trying to be more then a little girls toy.

What's happened to my Alice?

The first thing Emiliza does is start to laugh. She laughs that retched laugh she used so much when we first met. I grit my teeth and wish so hard that she would just disappear. I wish she would just go back to where she came from and give me my Alice.

When she finally stops laughing, she looks straight to Mirana. Mirana is standing to my left with her chin held high. "Oh, Mirana. Finally decided to listen to me for once, I see." She steps forward and looks at all of us slowly. "Where's my brother? Where's Ericiza?"

Underlands Madness Unlocked [ Alice x Hatter ] B1Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя