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"You've finally got close enough."

I do know her. She's the one that brought me back to Underland. But by Mirana's reaction, I'm not sure if it was for the right reason.

She steps closer and with that Mirana moves in front of me. "You are not allowed here Emiliza."

She laughs at her. She laughs a crazy, cackling laugh like someone just told the most funniest joke in all of Underland. "Oh, Mirana. Even with that crown on your head, I still see through that head of yours." She opens her arms and walks closer to her, crossing her ancles with each step. "Dear, old friend. Have you not missed me?" Mirana wrinkles her nose and looks angry, but what I see from behind her is different.

Mirana has her one arm behind her back and it's shaking. Is Mirana... scared? "How did you get out Emiliza? Your mother told-"

"MY MOTHER is a stupid, unintelligent dumb ass!" Everyone around the room gasped at her curses. Not many people curse in Underland. They don't in Overland either, since it would be viewed as improper. And if they did, in either world, it would only be in private or with close friends too. "My mother does not control me. In case you forgot Mirana, I know what everyone is thinking. All the time, every time, and definitely Time himself... thanks to you." Emiliza smirked when she accused the Queen of something. It seemed like nothing, but the two of them knew the accusation.

What was she talking about?

"Emili, we were just children-"

"YOU DO NOT GET TO CALL ME THAT!" The Queen shock with fear. She grabbed onto my hand from behind and fumbled a little by doing so. She squeezed my hand so tightly. I was scared she might break it in the process. Emiliza clears her throat then smiles a uncomfortable, and improper timing smile. "Now that, THAT is out of the way."

With one wave of Emiliza's hand, everyone was pushed away to different places in the room. Whoever flied was stuck to the ceiling, and the rest of them were glued to the walls. Everyone except me.

But I could not move. I really couldn't! I was trapped in this spot. Emiliza looked around at all the creatures of Underland being stuck to the walls and ceilings of the castle. And she smiled. After looking at every single one of them at least once, she turned to me.

She slowly walked up to me. Click, click, click the heels of her shoes sounded on the marble, white floors. She stopped when we were nearly nose-to-nose. I thought she might strike me or worse, kill me. But she did neither. She laughed and started jumping up and down with great delight. She was clapping her hands and cheering, "Finally, I have her! Finally, I have her! Finally, finally, FINALLY!"

I'm shaking in my spot. I keep asking myself finally have what, finally have what, FINALLY have what? But she soon, kinda, answers my questions. She comes back to being extremely close to my face. It's then I see her under eyes have black veins squirming up and down her face. Like with each beat of a heart, they move. She makes grabby hands in my face and says, "Give me permission."

"NO!" Mirana yells from her spot on the wall. I look over to her and see she is staring desperately at Emiliza. "Please, Emiliza! Don't take her thoughts!"

My thoughts? What does she mean?

"Why not dear, old friend? You let me have yours. And you know what happens when a Queen gives her thoughts to one like me." Emiliza is moving around like a mad women. I thought Tarrant or the March Hare was at the top of the list of most mad, but I think she just took that spot.

Mirana gasps and looks ashamed. She must of just came to a realization. Mirana looks back up at Emiliza and stares deep into her, incredibly deep red, eyes with total determination. Emiliza's smile goes away, but now she looks angry.

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