White Smile

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Emiliza is making me choose again. Last time she just choose for me, when I didn't give her an answer she liked. But this time she gave me the choice of Mallymkun or Mirana. I already know Mallymkun wasn't so fond of me for the longest time. It seems better that I see the thoughts of who I already have an idea of what I'm going to see.

I open my mouth to give her my answer, but she interrupts me before I even begin to speak, "Never mind, actually. It seems you already know the thoughts of Mallymkun. No point of showing you something that you already know the outcome. Well, that's just no fun."

This isn't fun at all.

"It's fun to me," she laughs at her own sick joke. "I guess that means the choice is Mirana. Not my favorite, I may say, but will still pack a punch."

I want to ask her what she means but it's to late. She's already grabbed my head and off I went against my will.



"That's against my vows," I explain to Iracebeth. My sister put this on herself. I may not have the ability to kill her, but I do have the ability to make sure she never harms another Underlandian again. I announce to everyone that Iracebeth will be banished forever to the Outlandes. "You'll never have a friend in the world," I whisper to her.

"Excuse me, your majesty," I hold my breath. "I hope you don't find me no ill will," it's Knave. The Knave I found so long ago to be a brave and noble soldier. A noble soldier that turned dark for my sister. It's this thought that makes me banish him as well.

I go to turn around so I don't have to see the sadness in his eyes,  then he grabs out a knife and I think he's going to strike me. Instead, he turns to my sister and goes to stab her. Luckily Hatter is there to stop him. With the flick of his wrist, he stops Knave by throwing a blade into his hand.

What's happened to you Knave? You were so gentle and kind once. How could my sister's corruption go so deep, that you forget what we once had?

I remember the time he used to bring me flowers. A different flower everyday. I laugh to myself at the time he once brought me a live flower by accident.

The live daffodil yelled at me, "Put me down!" He said his apologies and then apologized to me for not getting the right flowers. He apologized because he thought I deserved the best. The best of any flower. He would give me a different compliment every time to correspond with the flowers.

Roses for my rosy lips. Daffodils for my to die for smile. Water lilies for my white lively skin. It was always compliments like these that made me so... captivated by him.

I thought we would be perfect for each other, but now seeing him in chains and being wisked away from me again, all I see now is a broken boy. A broken boy that missed out on what he could have had.

But he could be that boy again.

One day he could become that boy I used to hold my heart for.

As everyone was distracted, I walk over to one of my knight chess pieces. I whisper into his cement ear, "Bring Knave to the prison world."

The knight looks at me surprised by my new command. I must have hope for him and if this plan falls flat, at least Alice will be far away by then. That's of course if she will drink the gross jabberwocky blood.



Blood. Blood filling my ears to create a static. I can't believe what I just saw! I can't believe what Mirana was thinking! All because a boy once gave her flowers and compliments.

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