New Adventure

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The Wonder is such a gorgeous boat. As I walk across the board to arrive officially on the boat- scratch that, MY boat- I breathe in the sweet smells of the ocean. A whole ocean undiscovered and for me to discover. This is what I've always wanted to achieve. Having a boat to call my own, and finally complete my father's dreams of sailing across the world.

What new lands will we find?

Will we trade enough with other countries to stay a flout?

"Thats the goal," I whisper an answer to my own question.

"What's that?," My mother chimes into my own personal conversation. Oh, my mother. I can't fathom that she is joining me on my next voyage. I've always saw my mother as the most proper in any room. After seeing and actually hearing her scold a lord, Hamish of all people, I felt I could finally let my mother into my world.

"Nothing. Just thinking out load," a smile graces my face. My mother smiles back then walks away to look out upon the sea we will soon sail. She rests her hands on the side of the boat and I watch her inhale the air. I wonder if she smells the same beautiful smells as I do. I also wonder if she's thinking going on this voyage is such a good idea. Just a couple of days ago she wanted to sell the Wonder for me. Not that I wanted her to sell it, no. She wanted me to move on with my life. Become a "proper" lady and marry. Sorry mother, I don't see myself marrying in the near future.

Mr. Fell breaks me from my thoughts with a tap on the shoulder. I turn around and smile once again because I know what he's about to ask me. "Ready to sail miss?"

I turn to my mother but discover shes looking at me. Her blue eyes look brighter in the light. The sun is brighter today it seems. She smiles that big smile of her's that only comes out in certain occasions. I keep my eyes on my mother and reply to Mr. Fall, "Always."

As I go to the front of the boat, it reminds me of the last time I left port from England. When I saw Absolem give his own personal farewell. This both gives me joy and saddens me. Joy because I finally know Underland is safe, the red queen is no longer out to cut off everyone's head, and Terreant is with his family again.

That's where I become sad. Since Underland is safe now, there is no reason for them to call back their champion. Just thinking about never seeing any of them again... never seeing Terreant again...

I will miss them all more than they will ever know, but it is time for a new adventure. A new world to discover. New people too befriend. Even while telling myself this, I can't bring myself to believe I'm okay with never going back. Though it is not an impossible thing, but it is an unbearable thing. The moment I stepped through that mirror and let go of Hatter's hand, a part of my heart fell. Fell deep down that rabbit hole and I don't know if I will ever have it fully returned to me. At least I know that part I left is in a safe place.

I feel the boat begin to move slowly into the water. It's official, we have left port and are sailing to our next adventure. I feel this is a good thing. A grand thing! Nothing can go wrong as long as I have my mother and the Wonder.

Why did you have to jinx yourself Alice?

That day replays in my head over, and over on a loop. Every thought, every sway of the boat, every, well, everything! Instead of looking back at that day, I wish I stayed there. Now 1 year and 10 months later, were sailing back for my mother.

My mother.

Why did she have to come with me? Why did she have to become so ill, so fast? I'm currently in the captains quarters with her lying on the bed. She's sleeping, not dead, I know because her breathing is irregular and loud. I'm gripping her hand so tightly I may break her fingers if she doesn't open her eyes. Just once, please. Let me see those bright blue eyes. Let me see that gorgeous smile you've been giving so freely. Just... Please. Wake up.

I then hear a knock at the door. I sniffle and wipe the tears I didn't even pay attention enough to realize they fell. I straighten my posture, just like mother would tell me to do in this moment, and call out, "Come in."

Mr. Fell cracks the door open to tell me we're about to make port. I thank him and think he's about to leave to man the ship to make sure we reach port. Instead he decides to enter fully into the room, closing the door behind him. "Has she awoken?"

"No. Not even a stir, she's just... she just..." I couldn't finish because actually saying the state of my mother right now is heart breaking.

"I understand Captain. Your mother is strong headed just like you. I believe she will come through."

I would like to say that's reassuring, but it's not. She started feeling sick a couple of months ago, but told me she will be fine.

Just a headache, she said.

Just a migraine, she said.

Just the boat sways, she said.

That went on repeatedly until one day she slept for days on. She slept two days straight, just to wake up and fall back asleep hours later. She hasn't awoke since. I move a strand of hair out of my mother's face to behind her ear. I rub her cheek that has barely any wrinkles. Are people her age even supposed to have wrinkles? No, they aren't, because she's too young in my eyes to look the way she does. This voyage was supposed to be a bright new start for us. And now only less than two years in, we're returning to England way before schedule because mother won't WAKE UP.

Before I could even let myself feel angry, I feel our boat stop. No longer swaying or gliding though the wavs. Mr. Fell must have left at some point while I was in deep thought because I hear him in the distance barking orders at the others. That could only mean one thing...

We've made port.

We're back in England.

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