Cheshire Cat

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I didn't really understand what was happening at McTwist's house. All I did understand was I had some good tea and Alice forgave him. I wasn't going to pry into anything. It is their private thoughts that Alice was forced to invade. Why should I try to pry?

Alice told me next was Chessur. He, I could understand needed lots of forgiving. We both knew where he would be on a day like today, or really any day. The Tulgey Wood.

As we were walking side by side into the woods, I began to think about things. One of those things, was a mer-touch away. I look down to see Alice and my pinkies are so close to grazing each other. I've always wondered what Alice would do if I tried to hold her hand. I always wanted the experience, but never thought I could have it. After her confession and after that kiss.

Why not?

I move my hand so it grazes hers and she looks down to where I'm staring too. I hook our pickles together and she smiles up at me. She finishes the rest of the way by fully collapsing our two hands together. Linking our fingers slowly until there fully clasped. My beaten up, ink stained, chipped finger nailed hand is holding Alice's hand. So soft and small it is. So soft and small compared to mine.

Her eyes slowly track there way up my arm and to my eyes that are already looking at her. I think she's going to say something, but instead she bumps my shoulder and says, "Come on."

She starts to run and she pulls me with her. I laugh with her as we run through the dark woods. The weather today is spectacular. As we run and run through the dark woods, I can't keep my eyes off of her. Her hair is so long I can smell it from behind her. She smells the same way she tastes... sweet sweetness.

She eventually stops at a old neem tree. She leans her back against the tree while we catch our breath. Never letting going of each other's hands.

When I finally have caught my breath, I look to Alice again. I start at the tips of her shoes then work my way all the way to her smiling face.

Breathtaking, absolutely breathtaking.

Before I had the chance to say or do anything, a very familiar voice comes from above us, "Well... don't you two look adorable."

We both look up to see Chessur smiling down at us with his famous overly stretched smile. Alice backs away from the tree to get a better view of him. Her smile has disappeared. "Hello, old friend."

Chessur's smile gets bigger with her greeting. "What brings you to my neck of the wood? Come to see your favorite cheshire cat, I see."

Alice's neutral face slowly turns into smile again. She never could resist loving that cat. Even though I don't see his great quality's, she surly does. After a few seconds she looks to me and becomes neutral again. Not my favorite face on Alice, I must admit. She steps forward and leans into me so only I can hear, "Do you mind giving us a moment?"

I can never deny my Alice so I nod my head. I look down at our joined hands one last time, and slowly unclasp our finger one by one. I take a deep breath and tell myself,

It's just going to be a couple minutes Hatter. She's not going anywhere.

Then I reluctantly walk away until I'm a safe distance away from hearing their conversation. I know it has to do with Alice forgiveness list, and I'll never ask her for specifics, but it does make me wonder what she has to forgive me for.

I think it could be about the bad thoughts, but if Alice wasn't interested in them then I feel she wouldn't of kissed me. Unless she doesn't want anything to do with it and still loves me. That brings a smile to my face. The women I've loved for so, so long loves me no matter what my flaws are. Loves me with the madness and all.

My smile goes away when I realize I still don't get it. What did she forgive me for? Could it be for not telling her the truth? About my feelings for her, was she upset enough to feel betrayed?

Alice isn't like that though. She understands us Underlandian's and is very patient. I know I won't find the true answer until she tells me herself, but I hate waiting for things to be said. I hate them so much that even the things I hate talking about need to be said or I'll go completely bonkers.

I'll try to stay sane enough, which I know will be hard, and I'll be patient for Alice. My Alice is worth waiting 15 years for, I'll gladly wait a few days or even months for the answer. Whenever she's ready, I'll be waiting. Always waiting for her, and I wouldn't want to wait on anyone better.

About thirty minutes go by before she returns. I don't see Chessur anymore, but I see Alice. She's smiling the same smile she had after leaving McTwist's house. She walks up to me and says, "Another one off my list."

I smile back at her and without thinking about it grab her hand. She doesn't look down or rejects me, she gladly lets our finger join together. "Who's next my Alice?"

She bites her lip for a second and blushes. She tries to hid it in her hair, but I move it out of her face. She blinks her long lashes and looks back up to me. "Um..." She shakes her head and takes her face out of my hands. Right...I have to wait. "Next is Mirana. She should be at her castle by now so let's get a move on, shall we?"

Oh, Alice. Don't you know I would follow you anywhere?

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