Book 2

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That's right, you read the title correctly. Book 2 is up and you can go read the first chapter now! It's no longer Alice x Hatter, but they will be in it. They will become the main characters later on in the series but this book was NEEDED for me.

As I was creating the character Emiliza, I knew I would fall for the pairing of her and Mirana. That's what's the next book is about! It's a Mirana x Original Character to exact. It starts off after when Alice is still in the emptiness. Emiliza has just gotten her light and is still getting a handle on things. The first few chapters is going to be their perspectives at the same time as the last few chapters of this book, but it will eventually gain its own story.

The title: Underlands Madness Unlocked: Black & White

It's a F/F (Female/Female) book so if you don't like female relationships, I'm sorry for your loss. If your interested, go ahead and ignore me to go read it :) Some of the chapter maybe be shorter then they were in this book, but that's because what I imagine for this book is a lot of bumps in the road later on in the book so the first few chapters are short. It's not like what I did with Alice, and just made her remember her feelings. It's a slow burn for a reason and Mirana has to gradually gain those feelings.

Thank you to everyone that's been supporting my books and has showed me lots of love throughout this process. I also have my books posted on Achieve of Our Own so if your one of those readers too, y'all are the best ❤️

I hope all my curious cats out there are doing okay especially in these difficult times. I'm very thankful to have a platform like this to be able to post my weird ass imaginations on. I'm even more thankful to have you guys support! Without any further a due... The Summary:

The champion has returned to Underland and is here to stay. The Black Witch who took her is trying everyday to repair the damage she's caused. That's very hard to do when she hears the people's of Underlands thoughts everyday, especially when one of them is the person she's loved since childhood. If she gives up their thoughts, the person she hates most in the world will steal that love away... but she may not have a choice.

Will Emiliza let her darkness consume her light again, or will her light consume her darkness before she needs it to?

The White Queen hides away her insecurities from the world because she is supposed to be the strongest of them all. There's a darkness out there coming for her, and with that threatens the people in her kingdom. She once had a best friend that could show her pretty things and protect her, then that friend sacrificed her light to save her life. Years later that friend has returned with her light again, but will they be able to start again where they left off especially when her own feelings begin to confuse her?

Will Mirana allow her insecurities to disappear for the person she cares the most about, or will she do what is right for the people of Underland and ignore her own feelings?

Underlands Madness Unlocked [ Alice x Hatter ] B1जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें