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I must say the talk between Chessur and me was way more awkward then I expected. Granted, I had to forgive him for wanting to eat me! But still, Chessur never feels awkward or even embarrassed really. He's a very confident cat. A confident cheshire cat indeed.

But he was also more sad then I've ever seen him before. Sad about what he wanted to do to me. Sad about ever thinking those things about someone he cares about so much that he fought to get me back. We had a heart to heart moment, that was expected. He curled up in my lap and I scratched his back. He always loved my back scratches. After his hundredth apology, I told him I forgave him.

I forgave him because it's was a different time in his life. It was a time where he had no friends and was trying to survive the time of the rule of Red Queen. I also forgave him because he's had  years of being by my side to make it okay to give him my forgiveness. Every adventure I ever had in Underland, he was there. He was there to always point me in the right direction, and for that I would forgive him for anything.

Now it's Mirana's turn. Tarrant and me are currently walking out the Tulgey Wood. Tarrant is doing what he always does, make me smile and curious about his crazy riddles. All the while we're swinging our joined hands between each other.

"What's a 4-letter word that can be written forward, backwards or upside down, and can still be read from left to right?"

That was a very wordy riddle this time, but I still answer with, "Hmm... I'm not sure." I look to him to see if I can find a answer in his eyes. All I see is perfection, but I also see what he sees. His expression shows me happiness and love. I blush and bite my lip again. I face forward again and say, "Umm... Race?"

He shakes his head, "Very clever my Alice, but it's not race. It's noon." I laugh at the funniness of it all. Only Tarrant could figure out a way to make riddles so enjoyable. I still haven't figured out his famous riddle, but I like to believe it's so hard that even he can't figure it out. He's said so himself once after all.

When I look back at Tarrant I see his smile has fell. I stop walking and he stops too. "What's the matter, Hatter?" He smiles slightly at my word play, but it vanishes soon after. He looks like a pup that's just been kicked. I step closer to him and put my hand on his cheek. He finally stops looking at ground and looks into my eyes. "Whatever's the matter, you can tell me."

That must of been the right thing to say because he then asks, "You won't leave me will you?"

I'm so stunned by the question is takes me a second to answer, "What? No, Tarrant. Why would you ask that?"

"Don't you have an adventure to catch up on in Overland?"

Oh, now I understand... I've left so many times before, he believes I'll want to go back to Overland after my list is all checked off. Before I answer, I lightly rub my nose against his and peak him on the lips with a kiss. It wasn't like our last kiss, our first kiss, it was just a reassuring kiss. "I have nothing in Overland anymore, and now I definitely have something to stay for."

He smiles again at my answer. I want to kiss him again, but I can't. I have to wait until I tell him the truth. We start walking again when I begin to pull him with me. All along the way we talk about what we're going to be doing, like where we will have tea parties, and where we can run new races at. I've never been to Mellow Marsh before. Maybe we can start there.

We finally get to Mirana's castle after a long walk through all the obstacles. Even after she re-gained her throne, she stayed in the secluded white castle of Marmoreal. It clearly suited her better after all. Last thing I heard about Iracebeth's old castle, it was banned from anyone to step inside. To much death in one place I believe. 

When we arrive to the back garden, we see the big chess board all the way in the back. When we get close enough, we see Mirana and Emiliza are playing real live chess with Mirana's guards. Mirana is, no surprise, playing the white pieces, and with even less surprise, Emiliza is playing the black pieces. 

As we walk up to the board Mirana commands, "Rook to C5."

The castle, which I'm guessing is called the Rook, moves over two squares to the left.

I look over to Emiliza and see she's rubbing her chin in concentration. "Bishop to C5. Bishop takes Rook."

The pointed fellow, must be the Bishop, moves diagonally to the castle that was just moved by Mirana. When it gets to the square, the cemented, chess piece, man pokes the other man a few times. Mirana's Rook then leaves the board.

After the exchange was made, Emiliza sighs dramatically and with disappointment. "You know, when you said we should play live action chess I was thinking there would be more action involved. Maybe with the chess pieces fighting?" Emiliza shrugs her shoulders.

Mirana giggles. "We don't harm any living creatures unless they are harming us Emili."

Emiliza then replies under her breath, "Harm is more fun."

Mirana shakes her head but continues to smile. While shaking her head, she finally realizes we are hear and beams with excitement. She abandons the board and runs, graciously as ever, over to us. "Welcome, friends! I was wondering when I would see you both again."

I try to stay as neutral as possible, but just like the others these are my friends. They all have a way of making me smile. I look to Tarrant and he already knows what I'm going to ask. He walks away from Mirana, and I then I go back to looking at Mirana. "Your majesty, can I speak with you for a moment-" I look over to Emiliza staring at us intently. "Privately?"

Mirana looks back to Emiliza for... approval? Emiliza waves her hands and says, "Go on! I'll be hear looking after-" She motions to the chess board. "Your chess... men... things."

Mirana smiles at her then loops her arm around mine. We begin to walk in the opposite direction of where Tarrant walked off too. When we get to one of Mirana's many outdoor tables, we sit down next to each other. She flattens out her skirt and turns her body to face mine. "Now, what is it you wanted to discuss my dear?"

This is it. All in Alice. "You majesty... Mirana... I'm sure you've heard by now what I've gone around doing and now I must speak to you about what I've seen."

Mirana bows her head and reply's, "Word travels fast in Underland, Alice. I believe it is time for you to tell me what you've seen of me?" I nod my head as an answer. "Well, before you start Alice, I must remind you that whatever you've seen was a different time in my life. I'm a Queen now and my duty will always be to my subjects best interest."

But that's not completely correct, is it Mirana?

"I do understand, your majesty. What I don't understand is why you had Knave brought to the prison world." Mirana gasps and moves back a little in her seat.

"How did you... How did she-" But she already knew the answers to all these questions. Mirana looks beyond ashamed right now, but still keeps her head held high. "I know what you want me to say Alice. You want me to say I'm sorry for lying to you, for making you believe he was no longer a problem, and I am truly, but like I said it was all a different time in my life."

What a interesting answer. No time for niceties then. "But you love him, don't you?"

Mirana looks out into the distance. Almost like there's something over my head. When she finally looks back into my eyes she says confidently, "No. I don't love him at all. In fact... I don't think I've ever loved him. Just like Emili showed you things, she showed me things too. Knave was... well he was never actually a good person. I was naïve enough to think he would change, but now he will spend all of eternity locked away for it." I nod my understanding, but Mirana isn't finished. "I do hope you'll forgive me for lying to you, Alice. I also hope you understand that it was a naïve, stupid mistake. Even Queens make mistakes sometimes."

That I could definitely understand perfectly clear. Especially after dealing with Iracebeth's many, many mistakes. I smile a closed smile at Mirana and tell her, "I forgive you."

Now only one more to go.

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