What Kind of Game?

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Before you read this chapter, I want to explain a few things first. Unlike the last chapter that had a flashback in it, this time it's different. Anytime you read a full paragraph in italics, it's the beginning of a new persons perspective. For any of the further chapters in Alice's POV, it will be like this. I'll always add in a few hints of who it is and have "Emiliza" say who it is to try to make it less confusing.

I will also be including scenes from the movies and books from the authors Lewis Carroll, Teresa Valenzuela, and Tim Burton. Even though Alice in Wonderland is public domain and anyone can create a story from it, I won't be stealing any of the authors/writer's ideas. I won't be putting in the full scenes or exact same scenes in any parts of this book. Now without a further a due... Enjoy :)


"Want to play a game, Alice?"

Emiliza asks me like it's her best idea yet. But what would she know about games. The best kind of games are the ones Hatter and I would always play. Most of the time they were riddles and races, but a real game none the less. What I would give to hear him ask me one last riddle. What I would give to run one more race.

What I would give to be with him one last time.

"It's not like any of those games. They honestly sound pretty boring." I drop out of my thoughts and look directly at Emiliza. It's really starting to bother me that I can't think at least one thought without her knowing it. She blows out air like it was stuck on her lips, "How do you think I feel?"

I roll my eyes as a reply to her comment. She knows I don't care how she feels. She knows I don't care for any of this. But she still continues on about this game, "Come on, Alice. I promise it will be fun." She smiles at me like we're good friends. Like she's trying to persuade me into something actually worth the word "fun."

I decide there's nothing better to do but comply. And it does make me curious about what type of fun she's been promising. "What kind of game?" I ask.

"Oh, the best kind! The all the thoughts my friends have ever thought about me, kind." So we're getting to this point now. The point she promised to show me.

But I don't want to know my friends thoughts. If there so deep in their minds to the point they consider them secrets, then I don't want to know. It such an invasion on privacy that I tell her as such, "I don't want to play that game. I don't want to play any game with you."

She thinks about it for a moment, "To bad."

She invaded my personal space even quicker then usual. Like she's been dreaming about this moment for whole life. Dreaming about breaking my mind with the thoughts of others. "First things, first. I need you to pick: McTwist, the good old white rabbit or Chessur, the Cheshirey old cat?"

She starts to giggle in anticipation. But I sternly tell her, "No! I'm not playing this game!"

I hope that makes her leave me alone. But my hope falls flat. "Alright, McTwist it is." She grabs onto my head so fast, I barely have time to react.




I run though the radishy radish's and topple through the bushy bushes. Each step I take is any extra second I'm late. "I'm late! I'm late!" I yell at myself for my tardiness. The Red Queen will not be pleased, no she will not. I see the gates to my home and mentally sigh in relief. I don't have time to physically sigh. I'm to late for that.

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