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"AAHHHH" I shouted at the top of my lungs and was sure that the whole family must be up now.

The boy stood up and looked all scared as if he had seen a ghost in front of him.  Me on the other hand was stood still. Sound of some footsteps reached my ears and I knew that they are coming.

"Emma", "Emma," Rose, Mason and Jess called out my name one by one, in a concerned voice. From my peripheral vision, I saw that they followed my line of view and got more confused. 

"Hey Everyone, Looks like I scared my soon to be sister in law. My apologies." The boy from earlier said and I got confused too.

"Oh Luke! I am glad you are here." Venessa said and My Jaw dropped.

First thing which I noticed was him addressing me as his Soon to be Sister In Law  and then his name was Luke.  

He was Mason and Jess's brother, Luke.

"Why did you shout Emma?" Mason asked and the way my name rolled out from his tongue, gave goosebumps to me. I don't know why I was having such effect from him. 

"Well, I came downstairs to re-fill my Jar, and I noticed silhouette of someone, when I started looking out for it..." I continued explaining my side story and they listened.

"Now Luke, can you explain me the reason behind being stained in mud?" Mason asked to Luke and he sighed.

"Umm... You see brother , I was about to surprise everyone at this late but while entering from that door in the kitchen connected to the backyard, I slipped in the mud. All thanks to the weather less rain." He answered.

"Sorry Soon to be sister in law, didn't mean to scare you." He completed after few seconds.

"Now everyone, you all can go and sleep. We have a lot of works to do tomorrow. Good night." Mason said and they all responded with a nod or 'good night'.

When everyone was moving towards their room, Luke slightly nudged me with his shoulder and I looked at him. He smirked at me and went away. 

Well that was confusing, but I ignored that thought for now and went to sleep too. It was so much for a day.

Four days later...

I found that interesting that As he shown himself on our first meeting, Luke is nothing like that at all. I thought that he might be rude, arrogant and mean just like his brother, but in a different way but He was like Jessica, all cheery and child like. He always stays in a jolly mood and keep teasing me with his jokes. 

I found myself searching for a brother in him which I had never before. He never let me feel alone in this mansion just like his sister. 

I was sitting in a library, reading a book when I heard opening of door. I looked around and saw Jess standing there.

"I knew that you would be here only." I smiled at her and she returned it with his grin.

"Anything?" I asked, shutting the book. 

"Yeah, stylist are coming for tomorrow's dresses check." She said and suddenly on remembering that tomorrow is my engagement with Mason, my mood got spoiled. But I tried not to show that to her. 

Jess was so happy on his brother's marriage. Just like a normal sister, who was excited for his brother's marriage, but only if she know that it was not a normal wedding. It was a deal, a contract on which we both signed. 

But I still don't know why I was dragging myself into this. 

Why he want me to marry him?

Why I agreed? Yeah, he threat me that he will sent me to jail. 

Love : The Necessary Evil (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now