chapter 44

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ONE BY ONE the rest of the Clan were drawn out of their dens by the noise and the unfamiliar scent. None of the cats made a sound. They stared at Fireheart and Whiterose with wide, puzzled eyes as though they couldn't believe what they were seeing.

Fireheart and Whiterose turned slowly in the centre of the clearing, the two kits still dangling from their mouths. Whiterose's mouth began to feel dry. Why had she assumed the Clan would just accept a kit in a split-second decision? She felt a rush of relief when Bluestar emerged from Redstream's den. But her eyes widened in surprise as she saw her. "What is this?" she demanded.

A tremor of foreboding ran along Whiterose's spine. She placed the white tom-kit between her front paws and wrapped her tail over it to keep it warm. "It's my sister's firstborn and youngest," she replied. Her jade eyes flashing, she pressed the kit closer to her, nothing was going to harm this kit. Fireheart nodded in confirmation.

"Your sister!" Darkstripe glared at her accusingly.

"You have a sister?" called Speckletail. "Where?"

"The same place Fireheart and Whiterose were born, of course," Longtail hissed with disgust. "Twolegplace!"

"It that true?" Bluestar asked, her eyes widening further.

"Yes," Fireheart admitted. "Our sister gave them to us to bring to the Clan."

"And why would she do that?" Bluestar asked with menacing calm.

Fireheart took a moment, and his gaze slowly roamed over the cats. Whiterose saw Cinderpaw's wide eyes, Redsteam's pricked ears, Midnightclaw's shuffling feet, and Tigerclaw who was slowly making his way towards them. "Because, I told her about Clan life, and how it has changed my life and destiny." Fireheart kept his voice firm and clear as best that he could under Bluestar's incredulous gaze.

"How long?" the leader of ThunderClan asked.

"Not long, just since leaf-bare began. But only to see our sister. Our loyalty still lies with ThunderClan."

"Loyalty?" Darkstripe's yowl rang out across the clearing. "And yet you bring a kittypet here?"

"Isn't having two kittypets in the Clan enough?" croaked one of the elders.

"Trust a kittypet to find another kittypet!" snarled Dustpaw, ruffling his fur indignantly. Sandpaw glanced uncomfortably at Fireheart and Whiterose and then looked down at her paws, while Cinderpaw and Shinypaw spat at the dark brown tabby.

"Whiterose." Whiterose felt her pelt prickle as Tigerclaw came to stand before her. Bluestar didn't say anything as the deputy came forward. "Why have you brought these kits here?" His amber eyes were trained on the white kit and black kit, who were scuffling along her and Fireheart's paws.

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