chapter 33

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AS THE SUN sank into the forest, Whiterose waited patiently for her brother, Tigerclaw and the apprentices to return to camp. Her ears pricked forward when the entrance of the camp rustled and out came the cats she was expecting. Whiterose stood on her paws and followed them to the fresh-kill pile where they dropped their caught prey.

"They caught all this themselves?" she asked with an impressed mew.

"Oh, yes," Fireheart replied.

"Amazing," Whiterose purred and looked at her apprentice, "Good work."

Shinypaw puffed out her chest proudly and scampered away with a mouse to eat along with her littermates. Tigerclaw looked at both cats, "Come and join me with Bluestar. Bring some fresh-kill for yourselves, we're already waiting."

Before Tigerclaw could take another step, he looked at Whiterose, "By the way, have you seen Graystripe at all today? He's supposed to stay in camp while he has this cold, but I haven't seen him since sunhigh."

"I saw him earlier in the warriors' den," she meowed. "But he keeps disappearing."

Fireheart shuffled his paws, "Perhaps he's with Yellowfang and Redstream?"

"Perhaps," Tigerclaw echoed and picked up a rabbit, leading Whiterose to where Bluestar was gnawing on a fat pigeon.

Fireheart followed, and Whiterose pushed away her growing concern about Graystripe's disappearances.

"Welcome, you two," Bluestar meowed as Fireheart sat down in front of her while Tigerclaw and Whiterose sat together beside them.

"I saw that your apprentices caught plenty of prey," Bluestar's gaze was friendly. Whiterose dug into the rabbit she shared with Tigerclaw, who was glowering at Fireheart.

Whiterose could tell that her brother noticed, because his tail twitched, but he replied calmly, "Yes. They've never hunted in the mist before, but it didn't seem to put either of them off. I watched Brackenpaw catch a wood mouse. His stalking was excellent."

"And what about Cinderpaw and Shinypaw?"

"Cinderpaw's hunting skills are developing well. She has lots of enthusiasm, that's for sure, and she doesn't seem to be scared of anything. And Shinypaw is hesitant, but with a little support she grows confident."

"Aren't you worried that Cinderpaw's enthusiasm and fearlessness might make her reckless?" Bluestar asked.

"She's quick and inquisitive, which makes her a good learner. I think that will make up for her... eagerness."

Bluestar flicked her tail. "Her eagerness, as you say, worries me," she meowed, flashing a glance at Tigerclaw. "She will need careful guidance in her training." Whiterose saw how Fireheart looked suddenly deflated, like he was a disappointment, but it was gone as quick as it came.

Bluestar seemed to notice because her eyes softened, "She was always going to be a challenge. But she is clearly turning into a fine hunter. You have done good work with her, Fireheart. With both of them, in fact." Fireheart brightened immediately, and Bluestar went on. "I've noticed how you've taken over Brackenpaw's training without being asked, and I want you to carry on mentoring him for the time being. Tigerclaw can also mentor Shinypaw until Whiterose gets over her chill."

Tigerclaw nodded and took a bite out of his rabbit.

"Thank you, Bluestar," Fireheart meowed.

"I see your missing friend has returned," Tigerclaw growled without turning his head.

Whiterose and Fireheart spun around their heads to see Graystripe appearing from behind the nursery. "He was probably just getting some peace and quiet," Fireheart suggested. "He's still feverish, and it can't be easy being stuck in camp all day."

"Easy or not, he should be concentrating on getting better," Tigerclaw meowed, looking at Whiterose for a moment. "Leaf-bare is no time for sickness in the camp. Mousefur was coughing on patrol this morning. I just hope StarClan protects us from Greencough this season. We lost five kits to it last year."

Whiterose felt sympathy for her Clanmates as Bluestar nodded her grey head solemnly. "Let's pray this leaf-bare isn't as long or as hard. It's never an easy time for the Clans." She looked wistful for a moment, then told Fireheart, "Take that chaffinch and share it with Graystripe. He'll want to know how his apprentice did in the assessment."

"Yes, Bluestar. Thanks," meowed Fireheart. He picked up the chaffinch and bounded away.

Tigerclaw looked down at Whiterose who had just finished her meal. "It's getting colder, you should go rest."

Whiterose hesitated but nodded. "Okay." She could feel that the air was getting colder. She ruffled out her white pelt and padded over to Fireheart and Graystripe outside the warriors den.

"...I told him you were probably looking for peace and quiet, or that you might be with Yellowfang," Fireheart meowed as Whiterose sat beside him. Fireheart took a bite from the chaffinch at his paws and looked up at Graystripe. "Were you?"

Graystripe ignored Fireheart's query. "Well, thanks for covering for me." He carried on chewing.

Fireheart and Whiterose shared a look but they didn't ask anymore questions.

Okay," Fireheart meowed. "I think I'll stay here a bit longer."

Whiterose got up and padded into the warriors den while Graystripe followed in soon after. She lay in her and Tigerclaw's nest before closing her eyes and drifting to sleep.

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