Chapter 9

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WHITEPAW AND HER Clan made it through the gorse-tunnel. Bluestar went first, accompanied by Lionheart. Frostfur and Willowpelt were right behind them. Frostfur raced away from the troop immediately and ran toward the nursery, the fur on her tail bristling with alarm. Tigerclaw and Darkstripe strode into the clearing, shoulder to shoulder, looking grim. Whitepaw shuddered, they were still extremely intimidating...

The others followed behind, she was with Ravenpaw, Graypaw, Midnightpaw and Redstream at the rear. Whitepaw saw her brother trotting toward them and relief filled her pelt. He made it. Her green eyes widened when they rested on the old former ShadowClan medicine cat, resting in her den with wide orange eyes. But she's still here!

"You went to warn Yellowfang, didn't you?" Graypaw whispered when Firepaw reached his side.

"Yes, I did." Firepaw admitted. "But she won't leave. She trusts Bluestar to treat her fairly. Did anyone miss me?"

"Only us," Midnightpaw replied.

Around the camp, the cats who stayed behind began to wake up. They must have heard the aggression and sensed the tension from the returning cats, for they came running into the clearing, their tails held high.

"What has happened?" Runningwind called.

"Brokenstar has demanded hunting rights for ShadowClan in our territory!" replied Longtail loudly enough for all cats' to hear.

"And he warned us about a rogue cat who will harm our kits!" added Willowpelt. "It must be Yellowfang."

Meows of anger and distress rose from the crowd.
"Silence!" ordered Bluestar, leaping onto the Highrock. Instinctively, the cats settled in front of her. Whitepaw sat beside Midnightpaw and Redstream silently, anxiety pulsing through her paws.

A loud screech made every cat turn their head toward the fallen tree where the elders slept. Tigerclaw and Darkstripe were dragging Yellowfang roughly from her nest. She shrieked furiously as they hauled her into the clearing and dumped her in front of the Highrock. Whitepaw could feel her pelt bristle in fear for the old she-cat. Whitepaw noticed her brother drop into a low crouch, ready to spring at the senior warriors. But luckily, Graypaw convinced him not to attack, much to her relief.

"What is going on?" Bluestar demanded and jumped down the Highrock, glaring at her warriors. "I gave no order to attack our prisoner."

Tigerclaw and Darkstripe instantly let go of Yellowfang who crouched in the dust, hissing and spitting.

Frostfur appeared from the nursery and pushed her way through to the front of the Clan. "We got back in time," she meowed with a gasp. "The kits are safe!"

"Of course, they are!" Bluestar snapped.

Frostfur seemed taken aback. "But... you are going to throw Yellowfang out, aren't you?"

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