Chapter 6

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WHITEPAW LAID NEXT to Firepaw, Midnightpaw and Graypaw, letting her wound rest with the marigold and cobwebs slowly healing it.

"I'd go see to Yellowfang, If I were you," Graypaw whispered, licking his paw. "She doesn't look too happy."

Whitepaw along with Firepaw and Midnightpaw glanced over to the old she-cat. She was still lying beside the Highrock. Graypaw was right; she was glaring at Firepaw.

"Well, here goes," Firepaw mewed, getting onto his paws. "Wish me luck!"

"You'll need the whole of StarClan on your side for this one," Midnightpaw answered. "Do your best!"

Firepaw trotted off with an amused purr toward Yellowfang. Whitepaw watched with amusement as her brother struggled to keep his composure with Yellowfang. Her green eyes gazed across the clearing, and with a sigh, she stood on her paws. Midnightpaw and Graypaw didn't say anything, knowing she was in one of her thinking moments. Whitepaw paced around the camp, mind somewhere else. She thought about her mother and how she hated Whitepaw for being so small. She thought about how many cats judged them for their Kittypet roots, and she also thought of how Tigerclaw became her mentor, even though he already had Ravenpaw!

Now that she thought about it, she doesn't really know Ravenpaw that well as Firepaw and Graypaw do. She glanced over to the patch of moss in front of the apprentices' den. Ravenpaw lay there, eating a vole and he seemed to be enjoying it.

Whitepaw flicked her ear in greeting when she padded over to him. Ravenpaw nodded, "Hello, Whitepaw."

"Hi, Ravenpaw," Whitepaw replied shyly. "I just wanted to say I look forward training with you. I just hope you don't mind we share the same mentor?"

"Of course not!" Ravenpaw meowed, looking skittishly away, "That's... Not what I am worried about."

Whitepaw blinked, "Oh? Then what's wrong?"

"Yes, what is wrong?" A powerful, deep voice said from behind her, and she turned to see the huge tabby main-coon behind her. "Hi, Tigerclaw."

Tigerclaw nodded to her and then fixed his amber eyes coldly onto Ravenpaw, "Well?"

Ravenpaw fidgeted, "I-I'm worried about my training!" He said quickly, "I'm not as fast a learner as you are, Whitepaw."

The white apprentice didn't seem convinced but nodded, "Alright. I'm sure you'll do great!"

Tigerclaw gave the black apprentice a suspicious look before nodding and looking at his white-furred apprentice. "We have training soon, better not be lazy, you're not a Kittypet anymore, Whitepaw."

"I won't," Whitepaw mewed. "I promise."

He nodded and padded away towards the warriors' den.

The sun had risen three times since Yellowfang had entered the camp, and since Whitepaw was appointed Tigerclaw's second apprentice. Firepaw had nudged her awake that morning, and she was excited for more training with Tigerclaw and Ravenpaw. She already learnt so many hunting and fighting techniques! Though she hoped she didn't have to fight.

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