chapter 14

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Whitepaw heard Dustpaw's voice calling through the den entrance. She opened her eyes. Ravenpaw and Firepaw were already awake, sitting upright with their ears pricked. Graypaw was stirring beside her brother. Whitepaw was surprised seeing the grey apprentice, she hadn't seen him since he was mourning Lionheart's body.

"Bluestar called another meeting," Dustpaw hissed at them, and ducked out of the ferns.

The four apprentices crawled out of the warm den. The sun was already past its height, and the air felt cooler than before. Whitepaw shivered and her stomach growled, her wounds still ached terribly from yesterdays battle with the rats.

They all hurried to join the crowd gathered below Highrock.

Tigerclaw was speaking from his position beside Bluestar.

"During the battle, our leader lost another life. Now that she has only four of her nine lives left, I am going to appoint a bodyguard to stay at her side constantly. No cat will be allowed to approach her unless the guards are present." His amber eyes flickered to Ravenpaw and then back to the rest of the crowd. "Darkstripe and Longtail," he continued, turning his gaze on the warriors. "you will act as Bluestar's guards."

Darkstripe and Longtail nodded importantly and sat taller.

Bluestar now spoke. Her voice sounded gentle and calming after her deputy's demanding yowl. "Thank you, Tigerclaw, for your loyalty. But the Clan must understand that I am still here for them. No cat should hesitate to approach me, and I am happy to speak to anyone with or without my bodyguards."

Her eyes darted briefly in Tigerclaw's direction. "As the warrior code says, the safety of the Clan is more important than the security of a single member." She paused, and her sky-blue eyes rested briefly on Firepaw. "And now, I wish to invite Yellowfang to join ThunderClan."

Whitepaw and a couple more warriors meowed out surprised. Bluestar looked at Frostfur, who nodded her agreement. The other queens looked on silently.

Bluestar continued, "Her actions last night proved that she is brave and loyal. If she wishes it, we would welcome her a full member of this Clan."

From her place at the edge of the crowd, Yellowfang looked up at the Clan leader and murmured, "I am honoured, Bluestar, and I accept your offer."

"Good," meowed the leader, her voice firm as if the matter was now closed. "Last night we successfully defended ourselves against ShadowClan, but they are still a great threat. The repair work we began this morning will continue. Our boundaries will be patrolled constantly. We must not assume the war is over."

Whitepaw and Midnightpaw nodded in agreement as Tigerclaw stood up, his tail high, and glared down at the assembled cats. "ShadowClan attacked while we were away from camp." He growled, "They chose their moment well. How did they know that the camp was so poorly defended? Do they have eyes inside our camp?"

Whitepaw froze surprise when he fixed his gaze on Ravenpaw. Some of the cats followed their deputies gaze and stared in puzzlement at the black apprentice. Ravenpaw looked at the ground and shifted his paws nervously.

Tigerclaw went on. "We still have a while before sunset. We must concentrate on rebuilding our camp. Meanwhile, if you suspect anything, or anyone, tell me. Be assured, anything you say will be in confidence." He nodded to dismiss the Clan, then turned and began murmuring to Bluestar.

The cats separated and began to move around the camp, assessing the damage and forming work groups. Firepaw went to Graypaw before her fiery-furred brother went off to check on Yellowfang. Whitepaw went over to help the elders along with Sandpaw, but a familiar cat blocked her path.

"You won't be working today," Tigerclaw meowed firmly. "Get some rest, you're still limping from yesterday."

Whitepaw shook her head, "I'll be fine. The more cats working the faster all this will get done."

"That's true," Tigerclaw replied. "But as your mentor, I say no. Grab some fresh-kill and rest." He padded away toward Darkstripe and Longtail as the white apprentice made her way to the fresh-kill pile. Before she could grab a squirrel, Firepaw called out her name.

"Whitepaw!" He came up to her. "I am going to sneak out to get some garlic for you, myself, Graypaw and Ravenpaw. It's for the rat bites. Yellowfang said they really help but Darkstripe won't let me out of the camp."

"My wounds do sting still," Whitepaw murmured with a nod. "Okay, but we can't be caught. If Tigerclaw finds me out of camp, I will be in trouble."

"Why?" Firepaw asked as they jumped out of a tear in the boundary wall.

"He told me I needed rest and not over-exert myself today." Whitepaw replied as they made their way to the wild garlic patch. Firepaw didn't respond and they trotted on silently.

Suddenly, Firepaw dropped in a crouching position and Whitepaw did the same. Her brother's green eyes looked into hers, "I can smell Longtail, Darkstripe and Tigerclaw."

Whitepaw lifted her nose and smelt the familiar scents of the three senior warriors'. They were all standing in the shadow of a clump of ferns, their heads very close together. Soon, Firepaw and Whitepaw were close enough to hear them.

"StarClan knows, my apprentice has shown little promise from the start, but never expected to be a traitor!" growled Tigerclaw.

Firepaw and Whitepaw's eyes widened with shock. Which apprentice was he talking about? And it sounded that he intended to do a little more than just hint Ravenpaw had betrayed his Clan!

"Which one was it?" Longtail asked. "The Kittypet?" Longtail said the word 'Kittypet' very scornfully.

Tigerclaw gave him a dark glare. "No. I'm talking about Ravenpaw. Whitepaw was with me the whole time during the journey."

Whitepaw felt a wave of relief hit her, but concern for her fellow den-mate.

"How long was Ravenpaw missing on the journey to Mothermouth?" asked Darkstripe.

"Long enough to have travelled to ShadowClan's camp and back," came the deputy's menacing answer.

The fur on Firepaw's tail bristled and Whitepaw only felt shock and sadness. That's impossible, why would Tigerclaw lie like this?

Longtail's voice spoke then, "He must have told them ThunderClan's leader and strongest warrior had left the camp. Why else would they attack when they did?"

"We are the last Clan to stand against ShadowClan. We must remain strong," purred Tigerclaw. His tone had become velvety soft now. He waited in silence for a response.

"And the Clan would be better off without a traitor like Ravenpaw," Darkstripe answered eagerly.

"I have to say I agree with you, Darkstripe," murmured Tigerclaw, his voice heavy with emotion. "Even though he's my own apprentice..." He trailed off as if he were too upset to say anymore.

Firepaw and Whitepaw looked at eachother before creeping as silently and as quickly as they could back to camp.

When they got back, they agreed not to tell Ravenpaw what they've heard. He'd be terrified. Whitepaw shook her head from these thoughts. There is nothing I could do. I just hope Firepaw doesn't do anything reckless...

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