"We made it." Said Ahsoka as we arrived at the door and she clicked the button to get the docking port. The small tunnel connected itself to the ship and opened, we started to walk in and heard a crash behind us, but I didn't want to turn around, I just wanted to get the team to safety and leave.

"It's too late." Anakin said, making me frown.

"What?" I turned around just for him to push me, and the rest using the Force, when our eyes locked an unspoken 'I love you' was said, but it felt as if it was the last one, a thin line of tears appeared on my eyes. "No! Anakin!" I yelped.I didn't even have time to tell him I love you back.

"Master!" Yelped Ahsoka as well when the metallic door closed before us.  heard a thud in the door on the other side and I rushed to it. "Don't move the ship." She added into the communicator as I clicked the door's button to open, when it did, it was just a small hole, I was only able to look through it and I spotted him, unconscious on the ground, so, I turned my lightsaber on, and cut a circle on the door, big enough for me to fit in, I walked into the hole when I heard another crash.
"Allana, we have to leave now." The Padawan told me.

"I know." I said pulling Ani's arm into the dock. "If you helped me get him into the ship we may leave faster." I said groaning as I pulled him, she rushed and once we were in the safe spot, Wolffe closed the gate.

"I'm going to turn on the deflector shields." He said as I sat and placed Ani's head on my lap, dirt on his face, eyes closed, my hands on his cheeks. "General, incoming transmission from Skywalker's cruiser." The Commander said but I didn't want to move, or I couldn't, I wasn't sure, the only think I was certain about was not wanting to leave his side as a wave of fear threatened to drown me, there have been so many times when one of us could've died, but right now, he could actually die in my arms and it was because I asked for his help. "Ma'am?" Wolffe called me.

"I-" I whispered, I looked at my husband's features as I took a deep breath, remembering a promise we made to each other on our wedding day, if anything happened, we'd do our duty, and made everything we could to keep it together, I exhaled and gently placed his head on the floor. "Patch me through." I said and he did as I commanded. "Admiral we-"

"You'll never be able to dock with our ship." He said and something inside me stopped. "Not in the middle of this battle."

"We had no choice Admiral." I said. "General Skywalker's condition may be critical, he needs medical attention as soon as possible, we must get him on board The Resolute." I added.

"Are all Jedi so reckless?" Yularen asked and I smiled.

"Just the best of us." I answered. Suddenly, when we had finally arrived at the cruiser's lower hangar, a blaster of a vulture droid hit the side of our ship, making everyone that was on the cabin move drastically to a side, the impact cost us the crew's co-pilot. An alarm went on.

"The hyperdrive's been activated." The pilot said as they were about to connect the duct with our ship.

"Shut it down." I commanded.

"I can't." He said trying to turn it off with no use.

"General Naberrie, what's going on?" Yularen asked.

"We're going into hyperspace." I informed. "Detach, detach!" I said as the cruiser took evasive action to avoid being taken by our ship in the moment the jump to the Force knows where was done.


  Tano was beside her Master in the small Medical Bay. He had his eyes still closed, an oxygen mask over his nose and mouth, helping him breath better. When the door closed behind me her eyes snapped towards me as I placed my hand over her shoulder, I sensed her worry, a fear of loosing one of her closest friends that may be a brother or even a father figure taking over her, I sighed.

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