"Fine but let's go slow," Eddie said as he carries buck into the shower.

"Oh! Do you think we would?" Buck smirk looking directly at Eddie's gorgeous eyes, blushing.

"You handsome idiot" He smiled and proceed.

"I mean if you want to" Buck smirked and pulled Eddie inside.

Buck and Eddie finish their "shower" and Eddie is getting dressed.

Eddie's phone vibrates.

Buck check and it's a message from his father.

"Can we talk son please I want to say something to both of you?" He reads.

Buck heads upstairs and shows Eddie his phone.

"Hey Eddie your father finally message you, He said can we visit him he wants to say something?" Buck said.

Eddie was surprised.....

"There been a lot of deleted message of him in your mail. Wait Eddie have you talked to your father at all?" Buck ask.

"Fine... No, I haven't talked to him yet" Eddie replied as he sits down on the bed.

"Why? I thought you said you have" Buck asks and sits down with him.

"I can't face him anymore he was the reason you been hurt multiple times" Eddie replied.

"I know but maybe he just wants to talk to you," Buck said as he grabs his hand.

"Look he can't hurt us anymore. Even if he tries we will be there for each other as always" Buck added as he hugs him.

"Alright, but you're not coming" He replied.

"Oh I'm coming I'm not falling for that again, Eddie Diaz. We are a team and we must work together" He said.

----- At the hospital.

Eddie and Buck visited Ramon at the hospital, Police officers are outside supervising him.

"Son... Buck... You came" Helena said as she hugs them.

"Hey mom," He said.
"Hi Mrs. Diaz," Buck said

"Don't be silly Evan you're family now. I know we have been terrible with you before but I hope you can forgive me" She said.

"Oh your father wants to talk to both of you" She added.

"Yeah, we know" Eddie replied still not fully happy with his family.

They came inside and saw Ramon with tubes and other stuff stuck in his body.

"Edmu..ndo.....Evan.... you....came" He said.

"Hello sir," Buck said as they sit down.

"Look I'm not going to... make this long.....because I know I'm the last... person you would talk but... I needed to say something to both of you...." He said.

"I'm... dying because of the lung cancer and.... other symptoms...I just wanted to say... I'm sorry Evan, Edmundo... On how I ruined your life... how I hurt you and your soon-to-be husband... I know I'm not the best father and I'm sorry for...that" He replied barely audible.

Eddie and buck listened.

"I know you don't need my blessing but... I'm giving it anyway....." He said.

Eddie's tears started to fall.

"I DON'T NEED YOUR BLESSING OLD MAN WE DON'T NEED IT!" Eddie yelled as tears drop.

"Eddie stop, can't you see he is trying," Buck said.

"I'm sorry son-" Eddie cut him off.

"No I'm not your son anymore you lost your son when you tried to harm his family" He replied angered at his dying father.

Secret for now (Buddie fan fic) [COMPLETE]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora