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Yoongi have never felt so on edge as he was right now.

The two had left the hot room and were currently trying to get to the restaurant like Jimin said. Their steps trying to make them as silent as possible. Which made them able to hear fast but distant steps.

It it was not Yoongi or Jungkook. Theu were Seokjins.

The steps moved by them then fade away only to come back. Like someone was patrolling the hall. It was confusing the raven when he could go walk or should wait. He couldn't follow the sounds properly.

"he is close..." Jungkook said his eyes scanning around for the killer. His hand grippimg the knife.

"Jungkook, no. We cant be seen. He will be on to our plan if he does" yoongi said trying to warn the other.
But Jungkook didnt seem to listen as they heard Seokjin's footsteps come closer and closer again.

And this time the doctor wasnt going to wait.

"SEOKJIN!" he shouted standing up from his sneaking posture.
"are you out of your mind!?" Yoongi whisper yelled and grabbed jungkooms arm pulling him down and pushing him behind a corner. He saw a leg come from behind the wall across the hallway and cursed jumping behind the cupboard.

He heard the steps come to a halt. Carefulle he peeked behind the cupboard and saw seokjin stand there. The taller didnt seem to know where they were seeing the way he looked around. Then he turned his back to them and walked around the corner again.

Yoongi not knowing where to go, they were close by the entrance of the restaurant. But if they needed to go inside they had to risk it by going so close to where seokjin was. But if he didnt need to enter that would be better. So ge took the device and turned it on.

"Jimin? Are you there?" Yoongi asked as he hid behind a cupboard. Jungkook standing across him behind the corner his eyes on the hallway where they heard Seokjin.

It took a while before he got a response.

"....i-im.....Im here...." he heard the soft sound of Jimin's voice, his heart washed with a relief that Jimin was still safe in the room.

"which way do we go now?"

"...l-left....To the front....front lobby"

"okay, and where then?" yoongi asked and peeked into the hallway he could see Seokjin stand there scanning the area, yoongis heart began to race and he glanced at Jungkook. The ravens eyes darken and he gripped his knife as he stared intensely at the killer on the other end of the haway.

Yoongi waved his hands while trying to get the doctor's attention while mouthing 'dont'. But the doctor didnt listen and stepped from the corner. He grabbed the vase that stood next to him and threw it towards the tall stalker. It shattered just next to the man who snapped his head towards them.

Yoongi gasped and put the device away in panick..

"fucking shit, stupid doctor"  he mumbled as he got on his knees to crouch. He peeked behind the cupboard hearing laughter and then a bang. Jungkook had Seokjin pushed against the wall. It seemed he had the upper hand, but it flipped just as quick. Seokjin grinned with a evil laugh and kicked Jungkook before shoving him to the wall roughly. He picked up the emergency axe from the ground and approached Jungkook who crawled up back to his feet.

"oh fuck watch out" yoongi whispered. He was unsure if he should run for it alone or not. But then he thought of it, jungkook wouldnt listen to him and attracted Seokjin's attention everytime. So maybe he should go alone for now. The Raven stood up and headed for the lobby....

No....This is wrong. I cant leave him.

Yoongi turned around frustrated and ran back, he took a table lamp pulling it from the electric and stood now right in the middle of the hallway.

"HEY!" he shouted getting seokjin's attention. Yoongi looked at Jungkook noticing he had a bloody hand. But the blood wasnt seokjin's...

"its you, Visitor!" Seokjin grinned and started walking towards yoongi. Slowly his steps getting faster and faster untill je was running. Yoongis eyes widen regretting his choice and he threw blindly the lamp.


To his surprise he hit seokjin with it making the man stumble back from the unexpected throw of the object. He roared angry and looked up his forehead was bleeding from the glass of the lamp. "YOU, YOU WILL DIE!!"

"oh shit, Doctor we gotta go!" yoongi said and turned around to run after making sure Jungkook was following him. And this time the raven finally listened. Holding his arm as he ran after yoongi.

"i should have killed him, end him, make him pay for what he hase done" Jungkook said through gritted teeth.

"now is not the time, we gotta find the exit and head back to Jimin as fast we can" yoongi walked into the lobby with the doctor and looked around. He didnt see any exit. The front doors were barricaded and shut closed with planks covering the glass.
So he was asking for more help, turning on the device he tuned it making sure he got contact with someone.


".....Y...Yes, this is...Jimin"

"we are in the lobby what do we do?"

"to your......left... that room.....lo there...its..the exit..." jimin intstructed. Yoongi noticed it was where he first entered the hotel. Hurrying to the door with no time to waste he turned the knob. But it was shut tight. Well so it seems.

The door wasnt locked, but a force was making him unable to push it open.

"Jimin...It wont open, but it isnt locked?"

"...i see......"

"then what do we have to do now?" yoongi asked as he started to feel worried woth the thought never to leave from here again.

"....you have to......K-kill Seokjin...."


The story is close to ending, thank you for reading. See you in the next chapter!

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