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He heard nothing

"stupid" Yoongi said and chuckled at himself. For a moment he believed that this thing would actually contact to ghosts. But fot some reason he couldnt throw the device away...He felt like he shouldnt..

So yoongi held it in his hand while he jumped down the broken window into the Hotel. He looked around, it was dark and it was empty.

"huh?..." yoongi said cunfused because under the door he could see a light. Light?.... The building was abandoned...Right? How could there be light. Yoongi walked to the door and felt the knob, it was unlocked. He slowly pulled it open and gasped. The hotel was lit, and calm. It didnt look like the outside at all. It looked...Perfectly fine...Just..Outdated.

He walked out of the room and turned back to look in the room when he flinched. There was someone in that room now. It was a boy..He looked younger than yoongi was.

"hello?" yoongi said. But the boy didnt respond. Now yoongi looked closer the boy looked like he wasnt even here.

He watched the blonde boy walked through the room and exit the room.
Yoongi heard a shout from a distance and the blonde boy seemed to hear it too. He looked up. "im coming!" the boy said and then he vanished.

"wow..." yoongi was not sure what just happend. Yes he sometimes had visions of the future or thoughts. But never this...Real. It was like he was actually there this time. Did he just see ghosts? Yoongi looked at the device in his hand....Should he try it?

Fuck it...

He said to himself and turned the button again. The static sound filled his ears again. He listened to it. But heard nothing. Nothing again...Or...

Wait maybe if i... Yoongi thought and took a breath.

"is someone there?" he ask again. the static got louder and then he hears a breath. followed by a weak voice.


Yoongi was startled, he didnt actually expect it. He looked around to see if someone was here. But only seeing the empty hall behind him. The strange normal looking hall. He turned back to the device after realising it was really coming from there

"who are you?" yoongi asked.

"i am Jimin.....park jimin" the weak voice said with a sigh. It was a bit hard to hear the voice between the static but yoongi managed.

Wait...park Jimin....that isnt possible.. Yoongi frowned. He remembered a long very long time ago there was a missing boy named Park Jimin, yoongi was interested in crime. Was this the same boy? So...Jimin is dead?

"is this a joke?" yoongi said maybe this was just a prank. But when he didnt get a response he decided to play along for now. "you are missing.."

"i know" the voice replied.

"where are you?"

there was a long silence. the static noise filling yoongi's ears.

"....i dont know..."

"are you.....dead?" yoongi asks with a slight hesitation.
but the man only heard the loud static. the voice was distant, he couldnt hear it, jimin did answer but he was unable to make out the words from the static.


"...." he heard nothing. yoongi sighed and turned off the device, the static died down and there was a silence. well yoongi expected it to be..he heard something in the distance....music? Yoongi walked further into the building. he was still surprised how the ouside looked old but inside it looked like time had stopped.  Most of the lights were turned on making yoongi able to walk around without using his flashlight.

IS SOMEONE THERE? [yoonmin]Where stories live. Discover now