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Yoongi was beyond surprised. How was this possible...this wasnt a vision, the boy was actually there this time. he was im breathing. Buy the surprising feeling soon got changed by a worried one when he saw the boy's condition. Jimin sat on the ground like he he had fallen and couldnt get back up on the bed he decided to stay there. His ankles were tied with a rope to the bed and his left hand too. his right hand seemed to have gotten free seeing the untied rope on the floor. The boy had his eyes closed and breathed slowly. Yoongi then looked around more, this room was a mess. there were dried blood stains on the bed and the floor, Also on Jimin's clothes. the mirror was broken and a few shards were missing. the wall on the left in front of the bed was filled with pictures of Jimin, soekjin must have put them there... there was such a difference with the boy on the photo and the boy here in the room, the boy on the photo looked happy and healthy, but now...he looked different..

"j-jimin?..." yoongi said and walked inside closing the door behind it, he locked it too. He approached the boy a bit hesitant and cautious. He extended his hand and tapped the boy's shoulder before he grabbed it and shook him gently.

The boy didnt respond.

"Jimin" yoongi shook him again. then the boy gasped and woke up he jolted away from yoongi, in his eyes pure fear. When he saw the unknown raven haired in front of him he sat still and just stared at yoongi. His eyes confused but still scared he didnt trust this man at all.

"Im Yoongi.....you're Jimin, right?" yoongi said trying to make the boy not fear him. Yoongi wasnt understanding anything of this but he didnt really question it, nothing here was normal.

the boy nodded as an answer.

"Im not here to hurt you, I will help you"

"......Are.....y-you...the one it...talked to?...." jimin asked, his voice shaky and soft. now yoongi heard it without the static it sounded like speaking was actually hurting the boy.

"Yes i am"

"....so....im not...dead..."

"how can i spoke to you? it is for ghosts, how come i could contact you?" yoongi asked he needed to know how it was possible if jimin wasnt dead.

"...i...am partly....gone...." jimin said. but he then shut his mouth and pointed to a note pad on the floor with a pencil. 

"you want to write?" yoongi asked and grabbed the note pad. the paper was old and had a yellow color. he handed it to Jimin and helped him in a more comfortable position, feeling slightly guilty when he saw the boy's face turn pained with the movement. The blonde held the pencil with his shaking hand and wrote with uneven and scratchy letters a few sentences. There were many spelling errors but yoongi could read over them.

'I am dying, someone spoke to me i got a second chance. you are my second chance, you can save me. will you save me?' the letters said. yoongi still didnt understand.

"I will try to help you" yoongi said, he will just not ask questions, it would only get more complicated that way.

'seokjin visits me here.....' jimin wrote.

"i can take you to a different room?" the raven suggested.

jimin nodded.

"Let me get those ropes off you." yoongi stood up and walked to the bed untying the robes from the bed and Jimin's ankles and wrist. He saw red marks where the rope had been, it must be painful. Jimin smiled a bit but the smile disappeared as soon it came taken over by the dead expression he had before, his eyes looked dull and lifeless it made yoongi feel uncomfortable. Its like jimin looked right through him. 

"can I..carry you?" yoongi asked. he wasnt the most strong but he was willing to try. he knew that jimin cant stay here like this, Jimin would be in danger. Yoongi saw Jimin nod slowly and the raven bend down putting his arms under Jimin's arms and legs. lifting him from the ground. He heard a whimper coming from the boy and stopped his movement.

"im....okay...." Jimin said hanging limply in yoongi's arms. it hurt but it hurt everywhere so he just bare with it. it surprised yoongi how light jimin was, it sure wasnt healthy for a boy like him.

 Yoongi peeked through the peephole first to make sure seokjin wasnt in the hallway. waiting wasnt safe either, seokjin had the key to this room too, so yoongi just went for it and walked out. He hurried his way towards the elevator. His heart went fast hearing a sound echoing through the hallways. it sounded like a door. 

yoongi pressed the elevator button with his elbow and waited impatiently. the doors opened and he rushed inside pressing floor 1. he had a few keys for those rooms and they were cleaner. 

When the doors closed yoongi heard a shout and a loud bang.

"JIMINNN!" seokjin's voice was heard. luckily the raven felt the elevator go down. 

yoongi arrived at the first floor and hurried to the first room h e had the key of. 101. He went inside and headed to the bed, gently laying down the blonde boy. The boy had his eyes closed again, did he pass out?

"Jimin?" yoongi said tapping the boy. the boy didnt respond but he was breathing. "fuck fuck fuck" he cursed and went to lock the door while holding his hair. He didnt have a plan at all. But seeing Jimin he went to the bathroom and grabbed towel. he wettened it and went back to the boy. a bit startled by the pair of eyes looking at him.

"....what...are you...doing?" he asked.

"I want to clean your face, you have some blood" yoongi said showing the towel. Jimin didnt protest but just looked away letting the raven wipe his face clean.

"I miss.......taehyung" jimin said suddenly. Yoongi stopped for a moment and looked at the boy. he didnt show much expression but yoongi could feel the sadness. 

"I am sorry about your friend. I saw his ghost, he is resting now" 

"...thats....good....." jimin was glad his friend's soul could go rest now. he didnt want his friend to be stuck here like he himself was. 

"is there anything I can do for you?" yoongi asked, he had no idea what to do. he wasnt a doctor or anything. He was just a boy that got stuck in a strange building. 

"......why do you...help me?......"

"because I cant leave you here, you need to live. I will take you out with me, we will escape together, I am not leaving you here"

"......seokjin wont let you....leave"

"I will leave, and you will too, I will kill him if I must"

"....thank you....yoongi" jimin sounded like he tried the name. "...yoongi...nice name"


so jimin is here, how strange hehe

thank you for reading see you in the next update!

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