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"you lost?" yoongi asked.

"I never had a chance to win"

"what game is it? what do I do?" yoongi needed to know what he got himself into. 

".....s-save me...." Jimin's voice then disappeared getting taken over by the static. 

save me.....what does he mean?  yoongi thought and turned off the device. he sighed and sat down. he really messed up didnt he, he got himself in some complicated trouble. He knew that he wont be able to just walk out het like nothing happened. partly because he physically couldnt, seokjin was after him now. its dangerous. and the other part of him wanted to know about this Jimin. 

"okay...lets do this" yoongi had decided to play along, he will stay here and learn more, he will find out about the disappearance of Park Jimin. 

He only needed to know where to go next. it sure wasnt here. yoongi looked at the train ticket, gloves and the photo. what was the train ticket? shit i forgot to ask him.. Yoongi mentally facepalmed himself and sighed.  After searching into the room more he found a paper next to the trash bin. 'we are at breakfast' it said in messy handwriting. 

"restaurant? right...probably..." yoongi talked to himself. this was the only clue he found here, so he will just try to get there without running into this seokjin guy. 

yoongi walked to the door and peeked through the hole again, he waited and listened closely holding his breath. 


He thinks he is safe for now. So he unlocked the door and went outside first looking left and right. Nothing, just silence. He took a deep breath and followed the room numbers down back to the elevators. He pressed the button and waited, within a few seconds the doors opened and he stepped inside pressing the 'g' for 'ground floor'. 

"what the fuck man.." yoongi mumbled to himself. Still thinking about this all, he was fully believing it. 

the doors opened and Yoongi walked out going right. it was strange to be inside a empty hotel, well almost empty beside him and Seokjin. He had to pay attention to that man, he was partly glad to know that he wasnt alone. now he was prepared that someone was after him. 

Finally yoongi came to the restaurant and kitchen. he walked through the glass door inside. the chairs shoved at the table perfectly. he also noticed on one table the chair was pushed back and there was a empty plate and glass. someone was eating?  was it seokjin's? Yoongi turned around and was taken off guard again by the ghosts. this time it was only Jimin again. he sat at the table with the empty plate his face in his hands.

"Jimin" a voice said and next to Yoongi a dark haired man walked towards the blonde boy. Yoongi haven't seen that man before, he wondered who that was. the man sat in front of Jimin with a sigh. "You have to let go of it, shall we do this one more time?"

"he is here, i swear.... he is real" jimin said softly and looked up at the raven haired man. 

"maybe you can try taking one more of the pills i gave you. i am sure they are hallucinations Jimin." The man said. 

"he is real....he is coming"

yoongi frowned and looked behind the raven to the doors on the other side. there stood another person. with a camera. The light flashed and then the person was gone.

"he is already here" jimin said to the raven with crying eyes. the man looked confused and sighed again.

"dont forget to meet me tonight okay?" 

then they disappeared leaving yoongi alone again. 

"huh...." Yoongi said and grabbed the device again. he was by now getting used to the static that came from the thing.

IS SOMEONE THERE? [yoonmin]Where stories live. Discover now